
Croatian Edition of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren / Svrhovit Život – Zašto Uopće Postojim? / Paperback 2004

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Croatian Edition of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren / Svrhovit Život – Zašto Uopće Postojim?

ISBN: 9789536350353

Product Features

  • Author: Rick Warren
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 2004
  • Pages: 270
  • Publisher: Stepress
  • Language: Croatian / Hrvatski


Svrhovit Život – Zašto Uopće Postojim? (The Purpose Driven Life) by Rick Warren is a transformative guide that addresses the fundamental question of life: "Why am I here?" The author, a Protestant pastor, emphasizes that readers are not here by chance; God designed each person with a specific purpose in mind even before the creation of the universe. This purpose is far more enduring than the brief years spent on earth, as we were created to live eternally.

Warren stresses that true understanding of life’s purpose cannot be discovered by looking inward. Instead, it begins with God—our Creator—and the reasons He made us. "God created you for Himself," Warren writes, "and until you understand that, you won't comprehend the meaning of your life."

This book provides a pathway to understanding why you live and reveals God’s wonderful plan for your life—both now and in eternity. Critics have hailed Svrhovit Život as a Christian classic, offering wisdom and practical advice that will be invaluable to many generations of Christians. It is regarded as essential reading for Christian living in the 21st century, encouraging readers to consider what it truly means to live in accordance with God’s will and to have fellowship with Him and others.

Interesting Facts

  • The book is structured to be read over 40 days, with each of the 40 short chapters designed to inspire and provoke reflection.
  • Each chapter includes a personal application section featuring a "point to ponder," a verse to remember, and a question for further contemplation.
  • Rick Warren describes his work as an "anti-self-help book," starting with the premise that "It's not about you," which sets the tone for the exploration of purpose through a divine lens.
  • The Purpose Driven Life has become one of the best-selling books in history, translated into numerous languages, and has influenced millions worldwide.


  • Stepress


#SvrhovitŽivot #RickWarren #ChristianLiving #PurposeDrivenLife #CroatianEdition #Stepress #SpiritualGrowth #Faith #GodsPlan #ChristianClassic


Overview (Croatian):
Svrhovit Život – Zašto Uopće Postojim? (The Purpose Driven Life) autora Rika Warrena je transformirajući vodič koji se bavi osnovnim pitanjem života: "Zašto sam ovdje?" Autor, protestantski pastor, naglašava da čitatelji nisu ovdje slučajno; Bog je svakoga od nas osmislio s određenom svrhom prije stvaranja svemira. Ova svrha je puno trajnija od kratkih godina koje provodimo na zemlji, jer smo stvoreni da živimo vječno.

Warren naglašava da pravi smisao života ne možemo otkriti gledajući u sebe. Umjesto toga, moramo započeti promišljanje o Bogu—našem Stvoritelju—i razlozima zbog kojih nas je stvorio. "Stvorio vas je Bog, i to za sebe," piše Warren, "i dok to ne shvatite, nećete moći dokučiti smisao svojeg života."

Ova knjiga pruža put do razumijevanja zašto živimo i otkriva Božji predivan plan za naš život—sada i u vječnosti. Kritičari su Svrhovit Život proglasili kršćanskim klasikom, nudeći mudrost i praktične savjete koji će biti dragocjeni mnogim generacijama kršćana. Smatra se nezaobilaznim štivom za kršćanski život u XXI. stoljeću, potičući čitatelje da promisle što zapravo znači živjeti u skladu s Božjom voljom i imati zajedništvo s Bogom i bližnjima.

Interesting Facts (Croatian):

  • Knjiga je strukturirana da se čita tijekom 40 dana, s tim da je svaki od 40 kratkih poglavlja osmišljen da inspirira i potakne promišljanje.
  • Svako poglavlje uključuje dio o osobnoj primjeni koji sadrži "točku za razmišljanje", stih za pamćenje i pitanje za daljnje razmišljanje.
  • Rick Warren opisuje svoju knjigu kao "anti-samo-pomoćnu knjigu," počevši od premisa da "nije riječ o vama," što postavlja ton za istraživanje svrhe kroz božansku prizmu.
  • Svrhovit Život postao je jedna od najprodavanijih knjiga u povijesti, prevedena na brojne jezike, i utjecala je na milijune diljem svijeta.

Hashtags (Croatian):

#SvrhovitŽivot #RickWarren #KršćanskiŽivot #PurposeDrivenLife #HrvatskaEdisija #Stepress #DuhovniRast #Vjera #BožjiPlan #KršćanskiKlasik


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