Croatian Catholic Bible with Deuterocanonical Books
Biblija Sveto Pismo - Staroga I Novoga Zavjeta
Preveo Ivan Ev. Saric - 7. Popravljeno izdanje
Product Details
- Hardcover: 1386 pages
- Publisher: Croatian Bible Society (2013)
- Language: Croatian
- ISBN-10: 9536709449
- ISBN-13: 978-9536709441 / 9789536709441
- Product Dimensions: 8.6 x 5.8 x 1.2 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
This comprehensive Croatian Catholic Bible, known as the "Biblija Sveto Pismo," is a treasured resource for the Croatian Christian community. Featuring the renowned translation by Ivan Evanđelist Šarić, this edition presents the complete Old and New Testaments, including the Deuterocanonical books, in a stunning black leather cover with golden edges and a thumb index for easy navigation.
Šarić's translation, first published in 1941 and now in its 7th revised edition, is renowned for its scholarly accuracy, literary elegance, and ability to convey the timeless truths of the Scriptures in a clear and accessible manner. The 1386 pages of this substantial volume contain not only the sacred text, but also a wealth of cross-references, footnotes, and explanatory notes that provide valuable context and insights for the reader.
Whether you are a devout Croatian Catholic, a student of theology, or simply someone seeking to deepen your understanding of the Bible, this edition of the Biblija Sveto Pismo is an invaluable resource. Its durable leather binding, portable size, and user-friendly features make it a practical and long-lasting addition to any personal or institutional library, while its thoughtful design and attention to detail ensure that it is a pleasure to read and study.
But the true value of this Croatian Catholic Bible lies in its ability to inspire, guide, and transform lives. Through the pages of this comprehensive volume, readers will encounter the profound wisdom, timeless teachings, and transformative grace of the Scriptures, finding solace, strength, and direction for their spiritual journeys. This stunning leather-bound edition is a treasure to be cherished and passed down through generations, a testament to the enduring power of the Word of God.
Ova sveobuhvatna hrvatska katolička Biblija, poznata kao "Biblija Svetog Pisma", dragocjen je izvor za hrvatsku kršćansku zajednicu. S poznatim prijevodom Ivana Evanđelista Šarića, ovo izdanje predstavlja cjeloviti Stari i Novi zavjet, uključujući deuterokanonske knjige, u zadivljujućim crnim kožnim koricama sa zlatnim rubovima i indeksom palca za laku navigaciju.
Šarićev prijevod, prvi put objavljen 1941., a sada u 7. dopunjenom izdanju, poznat je po svojoj znanstvenoj točnosti, literarnoj eleganciji i sposobnosti da na jasan i pristupačan način prenese neprolazne istine Svetoga pisma. 1386 stranica ovog značajnog sveska sadrži ne samo sveti tekst, već i obilje unakrsnih referenci, fusnota i bilješki s objašnjenjima koje čitatelju pružaju vrijedan kontekst i uvide.
Bilo da ste pobožni hrvatski katolik, student teologije ili jednostavno netko tko želi produbiti svoje razumijevanje Biblije, ovo izdanje Biblije Sveto Pismo je neprocjenjiv izvor. Njegov izdržljivi kožni uvez, prijenosna veličina i značajke jednostavne za korištenje čine ga praktičnim i dugotrajnim dodatkom bilo koje osobne ili institucionalne knjižnice, dok njegov promišljeni dizajn i posvećenost detaljima osiguravaju da je užitak čitati i proučavati.
Ali prava vrijednost ove hrvatske katoličke Biblije leži u njezinoj sposobnosti da nadahne, vodi i preobrazi živote. Na stranicama ove sveobuhvatne knjige čitatelji će se susresti s dubokom mudrošću, bezvremenskim učenjima i preobražavajućom milošću Svetoga pisma, pronalazeći utjehu, snagu i smjer za svoja duhovna putovanja. Ovo zadivljujuće izdanje u kožnom uvezu blago je koje treba njegovati i prenositi generacijama, svjedočanstvo trajne snage Riječi Božje.
Cast and Crew
- Translator: Ivan Evanđelist Šarić
#CroatianBible #CatholicBible #DeuterocanonicalBooks #IvanEvanđelistŠarić #SpiritualGrowth #BiblicalStudies

Ivan Šarić (27 September 1871 – 16 July 1960) was a Roman Catholic priest who became the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Vrhbosna (Sarajevo) in 1922. In 1940 Šarić was tasked by the national bishops' conference to put together the first modern Croatian translation of the Bible. A benefactor of the Bosnian Croat population, Šarić became a controversial figure because of his pro-Ustaše activities and rhetoric, including his support for forcible conversions to Catholicism inside the Independent State of Croatia during World War II.
Bible translations into Croatian started to appear in fragments in the 14th century. Efforts to make a complete translation started in the 16th century. The first published complete translations were made in the 19th century.
The oldest known lectionary is a fragment from 14th century Korčula written in Latin script.
Small parts of the Bible translated to the ikavian shtokavian dialect, in Bosnian Cyrillic alphabet, appeared in the 1404 Hval Manuscript.
One Bernardin of Split printed the first Croatian lectionary in Venice in 1495.
A team of Protestant Croats conducted the first efforts to prepare a Bible translated into Croatian, when a New Testament translated by Antun Dalmatin and Stipan Konzul was printed at Tübingen in Glagolitic in 1561/62 and in Cyrillic in 1563, and the Old Testament Books of the Prophets in Glagolitic and Latin in 1564.
Jesuit Bartol Kašić translated the complete Bible 1622-1638, but his translation remained, due to political reasons, unpublished until 1999.
In the 17th century, efforts were made to produce a translation for the Catholic Croats and Serbians in the so-called Illyrian dialect, but nothing was printed until the 19th century when a Bible in Latin letters together with the parallel text of the Vulgate was translated into the Illyric language, Bosnian dialect by Matija Petar Katančić. It was published at Budapest (6 parts, 1831) and closely follows the Vulgate.
In the 19th century the Bishop of Zagreb Maksimilijan Vrhovac propose the translation of the Bible in Kajkavian. The following are translations: Ivan Rupert Gusić translate the Gospels, Acts of Apostles, Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians, and the Apocalypse; Ivan Birling translete the Epistle to the Philippians; Stjepan Korolija work the entire New Testament (the manuscripts today in the Metropolitanska knjižnica Zagreb); Antun Vranić's works the Psalms and Lamentations of Jeremiah; Ivan Nepomuk Labaš translate the book of Job.
Ignac Kristijanović tried to continue the translation of Kajkavian Bible. His works: the Gospels, Act of Apostles, Epistles to the Romans and Corinthians, the Psalms, Ruth's Book, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job's Book, Jonah's Book, Tobit's Book, Judith's Book, Sirach, Book of Wisdom, Epistles of Peter, Epistles of John and Epistles of Jude. In the 21st century Vid Balog, Croatian actor translate the entire Kajkavian New Testament.
In Burgenland Croatian language translate the Bible Martin Meršić and Ivan Jakšić.