
Cornish Language New Testament / An Testament Nowydh, treylys dhe Gernewek

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Cornish Language New Testament / An Testament Nowydh, treylys dhe Gernewek / Cornish (Kernewek or Kernowek) is a Brythonic Celtic language historically spoken by the Cornish people

Product Details

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Page Count: 430
  • Publisher: Cornish Language Board
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Language: Cornish (Kernewek or Kernowek)
  • ISBN-10: 1902917332
  • ISBN-13: 978-1902917337


The Cornish Language New Testament, titled "An Testament Nowydh", is a remarkable achievement in the preservation and revitalization of the Cornish language. Cornish, a Brythonic Celtic language historically spoken by the Cornish people, has faced significant challenges in maintaining its presence in the modern era. This translation of the New Testament into Cornish represents a concerted effort to ensure that this ancient tongue continues to thrive and be accessible to both scholars and the general public.

Produced by the Cornish Language Board, this hardcover edition presents the complete text of the New Testament in the Cornish language, allowing readers to engage with the timeless teachings and narratives of Christianity through the unique lens of Cornish culture and linguistic tradition. The careful translation work, undertaken by a team of dedicated linguists and scholars, has resulted in a text that is both faithful to the original sources and resonant with the distinctive rhythms and idioms of the Cornish language.

Beyond its linguistic significance, the Cornish Language New Testament serves as a powerful symbol of the resilience and adaptability of minority languages in the face of globalization. By preserving and promoting the use of Cornish, this publication not only honors the rich cultural heritage of Cornwall but also inspires a sense of pride and identity among Cornish speakers, both within the region and around the world.

Product Specifications

  • Format: Hardcover
  • Page Count: 430
  • Language: Cornish (Kernewek or Kernowek)
  • Publisher: Cornish Language Board
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • ISBN-10: 1902917332
  • ISBN-13: 978-1902917337

Interesting Facts

  • The Cornish Language New Testament is the first complete translation of the New Testament into the Cornish language.
  • The Cornish Language Board, a dedicated organization committed to the preservation and revitalization of the Cornish language, oversaw the translation and publication of this edition.
  • Cornish, a Brythonic Celtic language, was historically spoken in the Cornwall region of southwestern England and is considered a sister language to Welsh and Breton.


An Testament Nowydh, ynno an Testamant Nowydh treylys dhe'n yeth Kernewek, yw un achevement marthys yn gwitha ha drehevel an yeth Kernewek. Kernewek, yw yeth Geltiek Brythoniek a veu leverys yn istori gans tus Kernow, ha'n yeth re beu ow kewlwel gans kudennow rag dedhya hy presens yn an termyn a-lemmyn. An treylya-ma a'n Testamant Nowydh dhe'n yeth Kernewek a dhiskwegh aga fors dhe witha bos an taves-ma a-gynen ow triga ha bos hwi rag an skoleroryon ha'n pobel a-dro.

Produsys gans Cornish Language Board, an edisyon kard kales-ma a dhiskwegh an text klor a'n Testamant Nowydh yn yeth Kernewek, ow aga gasa dhe dhehweles gans an dyskansow ha'n istorow a'n Christendom dre'n gwelva unik a'n gonisogeth ha'n tradisyon yethek Kernewek. An oberweyth treylya-ma, gwrys gans ekip a lingwistoryon ha skoleroryon, re beu ow triga yn text a vydh feythyek dhe'n fyntynnow gwredhek ha'n rythm ha'n iddyow a'n yeth Kernewek.

Ynwedh gans hy arwodh yethek, An Testament Nowydh Kernewek a servya avel arwodh nerthus a'n krevder ha'n kewlwel a yethow byhan rag-ow an globalisasyon. Dre witha ha drehevel an usyans a Gernewek, an embygans-ma a onora an gonisogeth Kernewek ha'n ynspirya a sens a brys ha hunansevynans ymysk an Kernowyon, yn Kernow ha'n bys-ma.

Detalyow an Anken

  • Furv: Kard Kales
  • Niver a Bajenow: 430
  • Yeth: Kernewek (Kernowek)
  • Embygher: Cornish Language Board
  • Dydh an Embygans: 2004
  • ISBN-10: 1902917332
  • ISBN-13: 978-1902917337

Fethow Ynteressys

  • An Testament Nowydh Kernewek yw an kynsa treylya klor a'n Testamant Nowydh dhe'n yeth Kernewek.
  • Cornish Language Board, orsedh a-dhedhys dhe witha ha drehevel an yeth Kernewek, a wrug gweres gans an treylya ha'n embygans a'n edisyon-ma.
  • Kernewek, yw yeth Geltiek Brythoniek, a veu leverys yn istori yn ranndir Kernow yn Sowth-Kebmyn Pow Sows, ha'n yeth-ma a vydh kynsa-yeth dhe Gembrek ha Bretonek.




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