Cirque du Soleil - Corteo DVD 2005 Ünnepi menet / Directed by Jocelyn Barnabé, Daniele Finzi Pasca / Contemporary circus show
UPC 5999010462883
AUDIO: English 2.0, English 5.1
TOTAL RUNTIME: 104 minutes
English Summary:
Corteo /kɔːrˈteɪ.oʊ/ is a Cirque du Soleil touring production that premiered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on April 21, 2005.
As of May 24, 2005, Cirque du Soleil had broken its record of spectators for the première location in Montreal; more than 200,000 people had viewed the production, far outpacing the prior record of 180,000 tickets sold for Varekai during its première. The show's final performance under the big top took place in Quito, Ecuador on 13 December 2015. On November 20, 2017, Cirque du Soleil announced that the show would once again set out on tour, this time in the arena format. The re-staged show premiered March 2, 2018 in New Orleans.
Cortéo—an Italian word meaning "cortège" or procession—is a contemporary circus show about a clown who watches his own funeral taking place in a carnival-like atmosphere. It was partly inspired by The Grand Parade: Portrait of the Artist as Clown on display at the National Gallery of Canada and the movie I Clowns by Federico Fellini.
Directed by Daniele Finzi Pasca, founder of the Swiss clown troupe Teatro Sunil and director of several shows by Cirque Éloize, Cortéo was presented in the round under a large tent. The action took place on a large circular stage consisting of concentric rotating rings. This allowed one area of the stage to rotate while another remained stationary. At times during the performance, the stage was divided by a large curtain illustrated with a painting called the Cortéo Procession. There were entrances/exits at either side of the circular stage.
Hungarian Summary:
A Corteo a Cirque du Soleil kanadai székhelyű cirkusztársulat kortárs cirkusz műfajú előadása, amely premierje 2005. április 21-én volt Montréalban. A műsor mindjárt a legelső városban rekordot döntött, ugyanis a 2005. május 24-ig több mint 200 000 ember volt kíváncsi az előadásra, amely jóval meghaladta a korábbi rekordot, amit a Varekai bemutatója tartott 180 000 eladott belépővel. A műsor kezdetben cirkuszsátorral utazott, az utolsó ilyen eladást 2015. december 13-án tartották Quitóban, Ecuador fővárosában. 2017. november 20-án a Cirque du Soleil bejelentette, hogy a show újra turnéra indul, ezúttal az arénában. Az újbóli előadássorozat 2018. március 2-án mutatkozott be New Orleansban.
A Cortéo egy olasz szó, jelentése kíséret, magyar fordításban ünnepi menet. A történet egy bohócról szól, aki végignézi a saját temetésén zajló karneváli hangulatot. A műsor részben átveszi National Gallery of Canada The Grand Parade: Portrait of the Artist több jelenetét is. A műsort Daniele Finzi Pasca rendezte, aki a svájci Teatro Sunil bohóccsoport alapítója, valamint a Cirque Éloize igazgatója. Az előadás kör alakú forgószínpadon zajlik. Időnként egy festményekkel illusztrált függönyt engednek a színpadra, amely kettéosztja azt.
Cast / Szerepek:
The principal characters of Corteo were clowns, as is fitting for a clown's funeral, but 62 artists comprised the full troupe.
- Mauro the Dreamer Clown (named The Dead Clown in the Chapiteau version): The central character of Corteo, and the one being honored in this funeral procession.
- The Clowness
- Giant Clown
- Little Clown
- The Loyal Whistler: His origins come from the classic role of "Mr. Loyal", the ringmaster of a traditional circus. He was played by professional whistler Sean Lomax in the original and re-staged runs. The role has been held by Geert Chatrou since October 2018.
- The White Clown
- Angels: Watch over the Dead Clown and guide him.
- The Little Angel
- The August Clown
- The Villagers: The inhabitants of a small village in Italy, who came to pay homage to Mauro one last time before his great final journey.
Company | Cirque du Soleil |
Genre | Contemporary circus |
Show type | Touring production |
Date of premiere | 21 April 2005 (Montreal) |
Creative team | |
Director | Daniele Finzi Pasca |
Director of creation | Line Tremblay |
Set designer | Jean Rabasse |
Composers | Philippe Leduc Maria Bonzanigo |
Additional composers | Jean-François Côté Roger Hewett |
Costume designer | Dominique Lemieux |
Makeup designer | Nathalie Gagné |
Sound designer | Jonathan Deans |
Lighting designer | Martin Labrecque |
Dramaturgical analyst | Dolores Heredia |
Acting coaches | Hugo Gargiulo Antonio Vergamini |
Acrobatic equipment | Danny Zen |