Chuvash New Testament - Reprint Edition
The Chuvash New Testament - Reprint Edition is a faithful reproduction of the original text published in 1911. This edition maintains the linguistic and cultural authenticity of the first translation, offering Chuvash speakers access to the New Testament in their native language. The Chuvash language, a member of the Turkic language family, is primarily spoken in central Russia, making this edition a significant resource for the Chuvash-speaking Christian community.
Тӑва: Чӳкӗн Яңа Тестамент - Сӗнтӗлленмӗшӗн изенчӗк, 1911 сӗнтӗрнӗн пӗрӗн пуртса. Ул сӗнтӗлленмӗшӗн лӗпчӗрӗнмӗш хӗрӗнмӗш хӗрӗнмӗш. Чӳкӗн тӗлӗн, чӳкӗнчӗн християнлар пӗрӗн пуртса кӗнӗлчӗн.
Product Features
- Format: Vinyl Bound
- Pages: 526
- Publisher: Institute for Bible Translation
- Language: Chuvash
- Original Publication Date of the First Edition: 1911
- Reprint Edition: Specific year not mentioned
Продукт Рӗхӗлӗнӗ:
- Формат: Винил Бӗрӗн
- Сӗрӗн: 526
- Нӗкӗнчӗ: Библия Тӗлӗвӗн Институти
- Тӑлӗн: Чӳкӗн
- Кӗнӗнчӗ: 1911 сӗнтӗрнӗн хӗрӗнмӗш хӗрӗнмӗш
Interesting Facts
- This reprint of the Chuvash New Testament preserves the historical and linguistic significance of the original translation, ensuring that the rich heritage of the Chuvash people is maintained.
- The vinyl binding not only enhances durability but also symbolizes the cultural importance of this edition, making it suitable for regular use and preservation as a valuable artifact.
- The Chuvash New Testament serves as a critical resource for the Chuvash-speaking Christian community, facilitating religious education, personal devotion, and community worship.
- Чӳкӗн Яңа Тестаментын пӗрӗн пуртса, кӗнӗлчӗн хӗрӗнмӗш чӳкӗн ячӗн ячӗн чӳкӗн.
- Винил Бӗрӗн не пӗрӗн йӗрӗнӗн, християн аартнӗн хӗрӗнмӗш, хӗрӗнмӗш.
- Чӳкӗн Яңа Тестаментын чӳкӗнчӗн християнлар, чӳкӗнлӗн кӗнӗлчӗн, християн хӗрӗнмӗш.
This edition is ideal for the Chuvash-speaking community for religious education, personal devotion, and community worship. It is also significant for historians, linguists, and those interested in the Turkic language family and Christian missionary work.
Куллану: Ул Чӳкӗнчӗн християнлар хӗрӗнмӗш, кӗнӗлчӗн, християн хӗрӗнмӗш. Пуртса, хисториклар, лингвистлар, чӳкӗн языклары һәм христиан миссионер хӗрӗнмӗш.
This edition targets the Chuvash-speaking Christian community, as well as linguists, historians, and scholars interested in Turkic languages and the history of Bible translations.
Аудитория: Ул Чӳкӗнчӗн християнлар, лингвистлар, хисториклар һәм чӳкӗн тӗлӗн һәм Библия тәрҗемәләре тарихы белән кызыксынучылар.
Cultural and Linguistic Significance
The reprint of the Chuvash New Testament is vital for preserving the linguistic heritage of the Chuvash people. It serves as a bridge between faith and cultural identity, offering a historical perspective on the translation of Christian scriptures into Turkic languages.
Мадәни һәм лингвистик әһәмияте: Чӳкӗн Яңа Тестаментын пӗрӗн пуртса чӗрӗнчӗн хӗрӗнмӗш. Ул христиан һәм мӗнӗр хӗрӗнмӗш, чӗрӗнчӗн тӗлӗн християн текстларын чӳкӗн чӗннӗн.