Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (CUNPSS) / Bible with Golden Edges
圣经 - 新标点和合本
ISBN: 9789812203786 / 978-9812203786
- ISBN-10 : 9812203788
CUNPSS 62PL (Black)
- 语言: 简体中文
- 版本: 新标点和合本 (Chinese Union Version With New Punctuation)
- 封面: 黑色
- 尺寸: 标准圣经大小
- 页数: 详细目录包括旧约和新约
- 附加功能: 人名地名对照表、圣经年代表、彩色地图
- 印刷: 第22次印刷,2022年新加坡圣经公会出版
Product Features:
- Language: Simplified Chinese
- Version: Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (CUNPSS)
- Cover: Black
- Size: Standard Bible size
- Features: Includes index of names and places, biblical timeline, color maps
- Printing: 22nd printing, 2022, published by The Bible Society of Singapore
The Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (CUNPSS) is a Simplified Chinese Bible designed with modern punctuation to enhance comprehension and readability. Published by the United Bible Societies, it has been a trusted version since 1988. This Bible includes a detailed index of Old Testament and New Testament books, alongside useful study aids such as a name and place index, a biblical timeline, and color maps. The black cover offers a sleek and durable design, perfect for everyday use.
目录 (Contents):
旧约 (Old Testament):
- 撒母耳记上
- 撒母耳记下
- 列王纪上
- 列王纪下
- 以赛亚书
- 耶利米书
- 以西结书
- 但以理书
- 何西阿书
- 阿摩司书
- 其他书卷...
新约 (New Testament):
- 马太福音
- 马可福音
- 路加福音
- 约翰福音
- 使徒行传
- 罗马书
- 哥林多前书
- 哥林多后书
- 加拉太书
- 其他书卷...
Interesting Facts:
- 新标点和合本自1988年起由联合圣经公会出版,一直是华语教会中广泛使用的译本。
- 人名地名对照表与年代表帮助读者更好地理解圣经背景和历史。
- 现代标点符号确保经文更加流畅易读,特别适合个人灵修和教会学习【8†source】【11†source】。
Interesting Facts:
- The Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation has been a staple in Chinese-speaking churches since 1988, published by the United Bible Societies.
- The inclusion of a name and place index and a biblical timeline offers readers valuable context for deeper study.
- The use of modern punctuation ensures smoother and more accessible reading, ideal for personal devotion and church study
- 新加坡圣经公会
地址: 7 Armenian Street, #01-01 Bible House, Singapore 179932
ISBN: 978-981-220-378-6
- The Bible Society of Singapore
Address: 7 Armenian Street, #01-01 Bible House, Singapore 179932
ISBN: 978-981-220-378-6
标签 (Hashtags):
#圣经 #和合本 #新标点和合本 #简体中文圣经 #圣经学习 #基督教 #联合圣经公会 #旧约新约 #圣经目录 #圣经年代表 #彩色地图
#ChineseBible #CUV #NewPunctuationBible #SimplifiedChineseBible #BibleStudy #Christianity #OldTestament #NewTestament #BibleTimeline #ColorMaps