Chinese New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs
2 VERSIONS Parallel: Revised Chinese Union Version / Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (Shangti Edition)
Product Features
- Format: Vinyl Bound
- Pages: 874
- Publisher: Bible Society
- Year of Publication: 2010
- Language: Chinese
Discover the rich heritage of the Christian faith with the Chinese New Testament with Psalms and Proverbs in a dual-version parallel format. This edition features both the Revised Chinese Union Version and the Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (Shangti Edition), offering a comprehensive view of the New Testament, Psalms, and Proverbs in Chinese. The vinyl bound cover ensures durability, making it a lasting addition to your spiritual library.
Interesting Facts
- Dual Versions: This Bible includes two Chinese versions for comparative reading: the Revised Chinese Union Version and the Chinese Union Version with New Punctuation (Shangti Edition), catering to various preferences and readability needs.
- Publisher's Legacy: Published by the Bible Society, known for its commitment to providing accessible and high-quality biblical texts.
- Historical Significance: The Chinese Union Version is one of the most widely used translations in Chinese-speaking communities, with historical roots dating back to the early 20th century.
- 双版本: 本圣经包括两种中文版本供比较阅读:修订版中文和合本与新标点(尚蒂版),满足不同的偏好和可读性需求。
- 出版商的遗产: 由圣经协会出版,以提供易于获得和高质量的圣经文本而闻名。
- 历史意义: 中文和合本是中文社区中最广泛使用的翻译版本之一,具有悠久的历史根源,可以追溯到20世纪初。
Track Listing
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- Publisher: Bible Society
- Publication Year: 2010
#ChineseNewTestament #RevisedChineseUnionVersion #ChineseUnionVersion #BibleSociety #ChristianBooks #PsalmsAndProverbs #ShangtiEdition #VinylBoundBible #ChineseBible #FaithInChina
#中文新约 #修订版中文和合本 #中文和合本 #圣经协会 #基督教书籍 #诗篇和箴言 #尚蒂版 #塑料封面圣经 #中文圣经 #中国信仰