Chinese Midsize Bible with Hymnal / Included at the end more than 300 Hymns in Chinese
PVC Cover / 2010 Print / 145X99 MM
Product Features
- Format: Vinyl Bound
- Pages: 1890
- Publisher: Chinese Bible Publishing (2010)
- Language: Chinese
- Product Dimensions: 5.9 x 4.3 x 1.6 inches
- Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces
- Special Feature: Includes over 300 hymns in Chinese
The Chinese Midsize Bible with Hymnal is a compact yet comprehensive edition, perfect for personal study and worship. Published by Chinese Bible Publishing in 2010, this midsize Bible features a vinyl cover and includes more than 300 hymns in Chinese at the end of the book. Its convenient size makes it easy to carry and use in various settings, while the inclusion of hymns adds a valuable element for worship and reflection.
Interesting Facts
- Publication Year: 2010
- Features: Includes over 300 hymns in Chinese.
- Publisher: Chinese Bible Publishing, known for its quality Bible editions.
Special Feature: Midsize format for easy portability.
出版年份: 2010年
- 特点: 包含超过300首中文圣诗。
- 出版商: 中国圣经出版社,以其高质量的圣经版本而闻名。
- 特别功能: 中型尺寸,便于携带。
Key Credits
Publisher: Chinese Bible Publishing
出版商: 中国圣经出版社
#ChineseBible #MidsizeBible #BibleWithHymnal #ChineseHymns #PVCCoveredBible #2010Print #Worship #ChristianHymns #CompactBible #ChineseBiblePublishing
#中文圣经 #中型圣经 #圣经与圣诗集 #中文圣诗 #PVC封面圣经 #2010年印刷 #敬拜 #基督教圣诗 #便携圣经 #中国圣经出版社