A Guide to God's Word - Exploring Biblical Teachings in Chinese
This "Biblical Guide" is a valuable resource that brings God’s word to life in a new and vivid way for readers. With 172 portions of the Bible explained, this guide is designed to stimulate practical Christian living, particularly for young believers. It serves as an excellent resource for parents, Sunday school teachers, and anyone seeking to grow in their faith and understanding of the Bible.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Publication Year: 1998
- Pages: 316
- Language: Chinese (Simplified)
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
Interesting Facts
- This guide is specially tailored to simplify biblical teachings, making them accessible and relatable for younger audiences and new believers.
- The book provides practical insights into 172 portions of scripture to inspire daily Christian living.
- Published by Gute Botschaft Verlag, a German publisher renowned for its high-quality Christian literature.
- The guide is ideal for use in Sunday schools, family devotions, or individual study, emphasizing spiritual growth and biblical understanding.
- Its hardcover format ensures durability, making it a long-lasting addition to your Christian library.
Gute Botschaft Verlag (GBV), a trusted name in Christian publishing, has been dedicated to spreading the message of God through literature since its founding.
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#BiblicalGuide #ChristianBooks #ChineseBibleStudy #ChristianLiving #BiblicalInsights #SundaySchool #FaithResources #GuteBotschaftVerlag #ChristianFaith #GrowInFaith
中文描述 (Chinese Description)
- 形式: 精装本
- 出版年份: 1998年
- 页数: 316页
- 语言: 简体中文
- 出版社: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- 本书特别为简化圣经教义而设计,使其更加适合年轻信徒和新信徒。
- 书中对172段经文提供了实际见解,旨在激励基督徒的日常生活。
- 由德国著名基督教出版商 Gute Botschaft Verlag 出版,以高质量的基督教书籍闻名。
- 这本指南非常适合用于主日学、家庭灵修或个人学习,强调属灵成长与圣经理解。
- 精装版本确保了本书的耐用性,是您基督教藏书的长期选择。
Gute Botschaft Verlag(GBV)是一家值得信赖的基督教出版商,自成立以来一直致力于通过文学传播神的信息。
#圣经指南 #基督教书籍 #中文圣经学习 #基督徒生活 #圣经洞见 #主日学 #信仰资源 #GuteBotschaftVerlag #基督教信仰 #属灵成长