婦女在教會中的角色 – Charles C. Ryrie (Chinese Edition of The Role of Women in the Church)
- UPC: 9789628385898 / 978-9628385898
- ISBN-10: 9628385895
- Pages: 152
- Publisher: Living Stone
- Language: Traditional Chinese
- Publication Year: 2013
- Format: Paperback
"婦女在教會中的角色" (Chinese edition of The Role of Women in the Church) by Charles C. Ryrie addresses the critical issue of the role of women in the Christian faith and church. Ryrie explores this topic by examining a wide range of historical, biblical, and cultural perspectives, considering how women have been viewed in ancient societies and how Jesus Christ and the early church shaped the role of women in Christianity.
The book looks at the historical status of women in Greek, Roman, and Jewish cultures, highlighting the influence of Jesus' teachings on women, and the evolving role of women in the church from the New Testament period to the early church. With clarity and biblical foundation, Ryrie provides a thorough analysis of key issues like marriage, singleness, divorce, and the function of women in the church today. This edition provides essential insights for those interested in understanding the biblical basis for women's roles in church and society.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Language: Traditional Chinese
- Pages: 152 pages
- ISBN: 9789628385898 / 978-9628385898
- ISBN-10: 9628385895
- Publisher: Living Stone
- Publication Year: 2013
- Translated by: Iris Chan
Interesting Facts
- The book explores the biblical teachings regarding women in marriage, the church, and society, with a focus on how Jesus' actions and words elevated the role of women during His ministry.
- Dr. Charles C. Ryrie is a respected theologian and biblical scholar who has authored numerous books on Christian theology. He is best known for his work on systematic theology and biblical interpretation.
- This book examines women's roles through the lens of the New Testament, analyzing the cultural and religious context of the times to offer readers a deeper understanding of the topic.
- The book includes sections on how early church fathers viewed women and their roles within the church, drawing from writings of early Christian leaders like Clement, Origen, and Tertullian.
- Publisher: Living Stone
- Country: Hong Kong
- Language: Traditional Chinese
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#婦女在教會中的角色 #TheRoleOfWomenInTheChurch #CharlesCRyrie #BiblicalWomen #ChristianTheology #WomenInTheChurch #ChurchRoles #ChristianFaith #BiblicalTeachings #TraditionalChineseBooks #LivingStonePublishers #WomenInMinistry #BiblicalPerspective #ChristianBooks #EarlyChurchFathers #WomenInMarriage #ChurchHistory