
Charles Spurgeon's All of Grace - Czech Language Edition / Jedine milostí - Pozváni na cestu pokoje

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Charles Spurgeon's All of Grace - Czech Language Edition


Charles Spurgeon's All of Grace is a profound exploration of the plan of salvation, articulated in clear and simple language that resonates with readers of all backgrounds. This Czech edition, titled Jedine milostí - Pozváni na cestu pokoje, invites readers to understand the essence of God's grace and mercy. Spurgeon emphasizes that attempts to earn God's favor through personal works lead only to self-righteousness and a cold heart. Instead, it is through the free grace of God that our hearts are filled with warmth and gratitude. The heartfelt conclusion of this classic work is encapsulated in Spurgeon's passionate plea: "Meet me in heaven!" This timeless message continues to inspire Christians across denominations, affirming Spurgeon's legacy as the "Prince of Preachers."

Product Features

  • Format: Paperback
  • Pages: 152
  • Publisher: Grafotechna Print (2012)
  • Language: Czech
  • ISBN-10: 8087606027
  • ISBN-13: 978-8087606025

Interesting Facts

  • All of Grace was originally published under the title "Vše pouhou milostí," making it one of Spurgeon's most recognized works.
  • Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) was a British Particular Baptist preacher whose sermons and writings have influenced countless Christians worldwide.
  • The book emphasizes the biblical principle found in Ephesians 2:8-9, which states that salvation is a gift from God, not a result of works.
  • Spurgeon's ability to communicate complex theological concepts in an accessible manner has made his works enduring classics in Christian literature.

Track Listing

(Not applicable for this book edition)


  • Grafotechna Print


#CharlesSpurgeon #AllOfGrace #ChristianLiterature #CzechEdition #Grace #Salvation #Theology


Overview (Czech):
Kniha Jedine milostí od Charlese Spurgeona je hlubokým zkoumáním plánu spasení, vyjádřeným jasným a jednoduchým jazykem, který oslovuje čtenáře všech pozadí. Spurgeon zdůrazňuje, že pokusy získat Boží přízeň prostřednictvím osobních skutků vedou pouze k sebeklamu a chladnému srdci. Místo toho je to skrze Boží milost, která naplňuje naše srdce teplem a vděčností.

Interesting Facts (Czech):

  • Jedine milostí bylo původně publikováno pod názvem "Vše pouhou milostí", což z něj činí jedno z nejuznávanějších děl Spurgeona.
  • Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) byl britský kazatel, jehož kázání a spisy ovlivnily nespočet křesťanů po celém světě.

Hashtags (Czech):

#CharlesSpurgeon #JedineMilostí #KřesťanskáLiteratura #CzechEdition #Milost #Spasení #Teologie

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