
Bust Sculpture of Vladimir Lenin

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Bust Sculpture of Vladimir Lenin

Soviet-Era Collectible on Polished Stone Base

Product Information

  • Type: Bust Sculpture
  • Subject: Vladimir Lenin – Soviet revolutionary and political leader
  • Materials:Design Intent: A formal, realistic depiction intended as a decorative collectible
    • Sculpture: Cast from a dark, bronze-like composite or resin with a textured finish
    • Base: Mounted on polished stone or marble featuring a striking black and white pattern
  • Style: Traditional and reverent, showcasing Lenin's iconic features including furrowed brow, mustache, and goatee
  • Dimensions: [Include specific measurements if available; otherwise "Standard collectible size"]


This bust sculpture of Vladimir Lenin epitomizes the solemn reverence and historical legacy of one of the Soviet Union’s most influential figures. The piece is cast in a dark, textured material that highlights Lenin’s distinctive facial features — from his determined gaze to his stern expression — while being elegantly mounted on a polished stone or marble base. The base, with its contrasting black and white design, not only enhances the overall visual appeal but also underscores the formal nature of the piece. Designed during the Soviet era, this bust was created as a symbol of ideological pride and remains a prized collectible for its historical significance and artful craftsmanship.

Эта бюстовая скульптура Владимира Ленина воплощает глубокое уважение и историческое наследие одной из самых влиятельных фигур Советского Союза. Изготовленная из темного, текстурированного материала, она подчеркивает узнаваемые черты лица Ленина – от решительного взгляда до строгого выражения лица, – и элегантно установлена на полированном каменном или мраморном основании. Основание с контрастным черно-белым узором не только придает общему облику выразительность, но и подчеркивает торжественность изделия. Созданный в советскую эпоху, этот бюст служил символом идеологической гордости и до сих пор ценится как исторически значимый коллекционный предмет, отражающий высочайшее мастерство исполнения.

Visual Analysis

Material and Craftsmanship

  • Sculpture:
    • Crafted from a dark, bronze-like composite or resin, the bust exhibits a carefully textured finish.
    • Detailed workmanship accentuates Lenin’s furrowed brow, distinctive mustache, and goatee — all rendered with remarkable accuracy.
  • Base:
    • The bust is mounted on a polished stone or marble base, featuring a dramatic black and white pattern that provides a refined contrast to the sculpture.

Posture and Style

  • Head and Expression:
    • Lenin’s head is slightly tilted upward, suggesting determination, vision, and steadfast leadership.
  • Realism:
    • The realistic styling of the bust conveys solemnity and respect, hallmark characteristics in Soviet commemorative art.


  • Wear and Aging:
    • The sculpture shows subtle signs of aging; the surface of the bust is slightly worn, adding to its vintage charm.
    • The base remains intact and well-preserved, reinforcing the piece’s overall aesthetic and collectible value.

Historical and Cultural Context

Busts of Lenin were mass-produced throughout the Soviet era as expressions of ideological loyalty and political reverence. Displayed in public institutions, government buildings, schools, and private residences, these sculptures helped cement Lenin's status as a central figure in Communist ideology. This particular bust—set on an elegant, polished base—reflects the Soviets’ commitment to commemorative art. Its placement alongside books and decorative items in curated collections further reinforces its role as a historical artifact that offers insight into the cultural memory of the Soviet Union. Notably, the inclusion of a yellow book labeled “Ташкент” (Tashkent) in its background hints at regional connections within the Central Asian context of the former USSR.

Бюсты Ленина массово изготавливались на протяжении советской эпохи как знак идеологической преданности и политического уважения. Размещаемые в государственных учреждениях, школах, офисах и частных домах, эти скульптуры укрепляли статус Ленина как центральной фигуры коммунистической идеологии. Данный бюст, установленные на элегантном полированном основании, отражает стремление Советского Союза создавать памятное искусство. Его окружение, состоящее из книг и декоративных элементов, подчеркивает его роль исторического артефакта, позволяющего взглянуть на культурную память советской эпохи. Примечательно, что наличие желтой книги с надписью «Ташкент» указывает на связь с Центральной Азией в рамках бывшего СССР.

Condition and Collectibility

  • Overall Condition:
    • Despite minor signs of wear that attest to its vintage nature, the bust retains its striking detail and dignified aura.
    • The well-preserved base further elevates the collectible quality of the piece.
  • Collectible Value:
    • This bust is not only a decorative object but also a significant piece of Soviet memorabilia, cherished by collectors and historians alike.


This finely crafted bust of Vladimir Lenin is an emblem of Soviet-era commemorative art. With its realistic detailing, dignified posture, and contrasting polished base, it eloquently captures the aura of Lenin's leadership and ideological prominence. Whether displayed in an office, library, or personal collection, this piece offers an insightful glimpse into the historical and cultural legacy of the Soviet Union.

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#LeninBust #SovietMemorabilia #CollectibleArt #HistoricalArtifact #SovietEra #LeninSculpture #CommunistIcon #VintageDecor #PoliticalArt #CulturalHeritage

Русский (Хештеги):

#БюстЛенина #СоветскиеСувениры #КоллекционноеИскусство #ИсторическийАртефакт #СоветскаяЭпоха #СкульптураЛенина #КоммунистическаяИкона #ВинтажныйДекор #ПолитическоеИскусство #КультурноеНаследие

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