Bust of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin - Soviet-Era
Soviet-Era Commemorative Sculpture in Cast Metal with Polished Finish
Product Information
- Type: Bust Sculpture / Collectible
- Subject: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin – Leader of the Bolshevik Revolution and Founder of the Soviet Union
- Material: Cast metal or composite material (possibly cast iron or bronze alloy) with a polished, dark finish
- Design:Dimensions: [Insert dimensions if available]
- Depicts Lenin in a formal pose wearing a suit, vest, tie, and collared shirt
- Mounted on a simple rectangular base that is part of the same cast
- Portability: Small and portable, suitable for personal or small-scale institutional display
This bust of Vladimir Lenin is a classic example of Soviet-era commemorative art, designed to honor one of the most iconic revolutionary figures in modern history. The sculpture presents Lenin with a stern and contemplative expression, highlighting his intellectual authority and leadership. Crafted from a dark, polished metal, the piece exhibits subtle wear—such as scratches and scuffs—that add to its vintage character and historical authenticity. Intended for everyday display in schools, government offices, factories, or private homes, this bust symbolizes both the ideological messaging and utilitarian design prevalent in Soviet art. Its enduring appeal is a testament to Lenin’s central role in the Russian Revolution and the foundations of the Soviet Union.
Этот бюст Владимира Ильича Ленина является классическим примером советского памятного искусства, созданным в честь одной из самых знаковых революционных фигур в современной истории. Скульптура изображает Ленина с суровым и задумчивым выражением лица, подчёркивая его интеллектуальный авторитет и лидерские качества. Изготовленный из тёмного полированного металла, объект демонстрирует лёгкие следы износа (царапины, потертости), что придаёт ему винтажный характер и подтверждает его историческую подлинность. Предназначенный для повседневного размещения в школах, государственных учреждениях, на заводах или в частных домах, этот бюст символизирует как идеологическое послание, так и утилитарный дизайн, характерный для советского искусства. Его неизменная привлекательность является свидетельством центральной роли Ленина в русской революции и становлении Советского Союза.
Visual Analysis
Facial Features
- Iconic Representation:
- The bust captures Lenin’s distinctive features: a high forehead, bald head, and trademark goatee.
- His stern expression, defined jawline, and intense, contemplative gaze exemplify the authoritative and revolutionary persona idealized in Soviet art.
- Detailing:
- While some facial features appear softened due to the casting process, the overall likeness remains clear and instantly recognizable.
Clothing and Attire
- Formal Appearance:
- Lenin is depicted in a formal suit, vest, and tie—attire that underscores his role as a statesman and intellectual.
- This refined clothing symbolizes his leadership of the working class and the establishment of Soviet governance.
Material and Texture
- Composition:
- The sculpture is formed from a dark, cast metallic material, possibly cast iron, bronze, or a similar alloy, finished with a reflective, polished surface.
- Surface Condition:
- Visible signs of wear—including scratches, scuffs, and discoloration—reflect the natural aging process due to handling over time, enhancing the historical authenticity of the piece.
Base and Manufacturing Details
- Simple Base:
- The bust is secured on a simple rectangular base that appears as an integral part of the cast.
- The underside of the base displays rough casting marks, indicating that the piece was likely produced in large quantities during the Soviet era, making it an accessible form of commemorative art.
Historical and Cultural Context
Busts of Lenin were ubiquitous across the Soviet Union, serving as tangible symbols of loyalty to Communist ideology and the revolutionary spirit. This particular bust, due to its modest size and durable, mass-produced material, was likely intended for personal use or small-scale institutional display. Lenin’s formal depiction—with his solemn expression and dignified attire—reinforces his dual image as both a revolutionary leader and an effective statesman. Such artworks not only decorated public and private spaces but also functioned as tools of propaganda, ensuring that Lenin’s legacy remained a constant source of political inspiration and ideological reinforcement throughout the Soviet era.
Бюсты Ленина были повсеместны на территории Советского Союза и служили осязаемыми символами верности коммунистической идеологии и революционному духу. Данный бюст, благодаря своим скромным размерам и прочному, массовому материалу, вероятно, предназначался для личного пользования или размещения в небольших учреждениях. Формальное изображение Ленина с его суровым выражением лица и достойной одеждой подчёркивает его двойственную роль: как революционного лидера и эффективного государственного деятеля. Такие произведения искусства не только украшали общественные и частные пространства, но и служили инструментом пропаганды, обеспечивая постоянное политическое вдохновение и идеологическую поддержку на протяжении всей советской эпохи.
Condition and Collectibility
- Current Condition:
- The bust is in fair condition, with the visible signs of aging (surface wear, minor imperfections, discoloration) contributing positively to its vintage and collectible appeal.
- Collectible Value:
- As a widely produced yet ideologically significant artifact from the Soviet era, this piece retains historical and cultural value, making it a prized collectible among enthusiasts of Soviet memorabilia and revolutionary art.
This bust of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, constructed from cast metallic material with a polished finish, is a quintessential piece of Soviet-era commemorative art. Its formal depiction of Lenin—with his intense gaze, distinctive facial features, and stately attire—reflects the enduring legacy of a revolutionary leader who shaped the course of modern history. The piece’s modest design, combined with the natural signs of aging, renders it not only a decorative object but also a tangible artifact of Soviet cultural and political heritage.
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#LeninBust #SovietMemorabilia #RevolutionaryArt #HistoricalArtifact #VintageSoviet #CommunistIcon #SovietEra #LeninLegacy #CollectibleSculpture #CastMetalArt
Русский (Хештеги):
#БюстЛенина #СоветскиеСувениры #РеволюционноеИскусство #ИсторическийАртефакт #ВинтажныйСССР #КоммунистическаяИкона #СоветскаяЭпоха #НаследиеЛенина #КоллекционнаяСкульптура #МеталлическоеИскусство