Bugsy: Extended Cut 2 DVD Set (1991) | DVD Release
Product Details
- UPC: 5999048900333
- Product Type: DVD
- Genre: Biographical Crime Drama
- Language: English, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish
- Subtitles: Hungarian, English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Icelandic, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Spanish, Swedish
- Region: 2 PAL DVD
- Total Runtime: 143 minutes
- Made In: Hungary
- Audio: English 5.1, Hungarian 5.1, Italian 2.0, Spanish 2.0
- Release Year: 1991
"Bugsy," directed by Barry Levinson, is a gripping biographical crime drama that explores the life of notorious gangster Bugsy Siegel, played by Warren Beatty. The film delves into Siegel's rise in the underworld, his tumultuous love affair with Hollywood starlet Virginia Hill, portrayed by Annette Bening, and his ambitious vision to create Las Vegas as a gambling haven. The film offers a detailed portrait of the glamorous yet dangerous life of organized crime in the 1940s.
Áttekintés (Hungarian)
A „Bugsy”, Barry Levinson rendezésében, lebilincselő életrajzi bűnügyi dráma, amely Bugsy Siegel hírhedt gengszter életét mutatja be. A főszerepben Warren Beatty, aki a maffiózó felemelkedését, viharos szerelmét Virginia Hill hollywoodi sztárral (Annette Bening) és Las Vegas létrehozásának ambiciózus tervét testesíti meg. A film részletes képet nyújt az 1940-es évek szervezett bűnözésének csillogó, mégis veszélyes világáról.
Panoramica (Italian)
"Bugsy", diretto da Barry Levinson, è un avvincente film biografico di genere crime drama che esplora la vita del famigerato gangster Bugsy Siegel, interpretato da Warren Beatty. Il film segue l'ascesa di Siegel nel mondo criminale, la sua turbolenta relazione con la star di Hollywood Virginia Hill (Annette Bening) e la sua audace visione di trasformare Las Vegas in un paradiso del gioco d'azzardo. Il film offre un ritratto dettagliato della vita affascinante ma pericolosa del crimine organizzato negli anni '40.
Resumen (Spanish)
"Bugsy", dirigida por Barry Levinson, es un fascinante drama criminal biográfico que narra la vida del infame gánster Bugsy Siegel, interpretado por Warren Beatty. La película explora su ascenso en el mundo del crimen, su apasionado romance con la estrella de Hollywood Virginia Hill (Annette Bening) y su ambicioso sueño de transformar Las Vegas en un centro de juego. El filme ofrece un retrato detallado del glamuroso pero peligroso mundo del crimen organizado en los años 40.
Product Features
- Format: 2 DVD Set
- Region: 2 PAL
- Audio: English 5.1, Hungarian 5.1, Italian 2.0, Spanish 2.0
- Subtitles: Multiple languages available for accessibility
- Total Runtime: 143 minutes (extended edition)
- Production Company: Mulholland Productions, Baltimore Pictures
Interesting Facts
- Award Nominations:
- The film received several award nominations, including Academy Award nominations for Best Supporting Actor (Ben Kingsley) and Best Art Direction, showcasing its critical acclaim in various aspects of filmmaking.
- Ennio Morricone's Score:
- The memorable score for "Bugsy" was composed by the legendary Ennio Morricone, adding to the film's atmosphere and emotional depth.
- Cinematic Style:
- The film is known for its stylish cinematography by Allen Daviau, which captures the glitz and grit of the era, enhancing the storytelling.
- Díjak és jelölések: A film több rangos díjra kapott jelölést, köztük az Oscar-díjra a legjobb férfi mellékszereplőnek (Ben Kingsley) és a legjobb látványtervezésért, bizonyítva kritikai elismerését.
- Ennio Morricone zenéje: A film emlékezetes filmzenéjét a legendás Ennio Morricone szerezte, amely tovább fokozza a történet hangulatát és érzelmi mélységét.
- Filmes stílus: Allen Daviau operatőri munkája kiemelkedő, amely lenyűgözően ötvözi a korszak csillogását és a bűnözés kegyetlenségét.
- Nomination agli Oscar: Il film ha ricevuto diverse nomination agli Academy Awards, tra cui Miglior attore non protagonista (Ben Kingsley) e Migliore scenografia, confermando il suo successo critico.
- Colonna sonora di Ennio Morricone: La colonna sonora, composta dal leggendario Ennio Morricone, aggiunge profondità emotiva e un'atmosfera unica alla narrazione.
- Stile cinematografico: La fotografia di Allen Daviau si distingue per la capacità di catturare il lusso e la brutalità dell’epoca, arricchendo la storia visivamente.
Datos Curiosos
- Nominaciones a premios: La película recibió varias nominaciones a los Premios de la Academia, incluyendo Mejor actor de reparto (Ben Kingsley) y Mejor dirección artística, reflejando su reconocimiento crítico.
- Banda sonora de Ennio Morricone: La música fue compuesta por el icónico Ennio Morricone, aportando una atmósfera envolvente y emotiva a la película.
- Estilo cinematográfico: La fotografía de Allen Daviau es destacada, capturando con maestría el esplendor y la crudeza de la época para enriquecer la narración.
- Warren Beatty as Bugsy Siegel
- Annette Bening as Virginia Hill
- Harvey Keitel as Mickey Cohen
- Ben Kingsley as Meyer Lansky
- Elliott Gould as Harry Greenberg
- Joe Mantegna as George Raft
- Bebe Neuwirth as Countess di Frasso
Released by TriStar Pictures in 1991. All rights reserved under UPC 5999048900333.
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#Bugsy #WarrenBeatty #AnnetteBening #BiographicalFilm #BarryLevinson #OrganizedCrime