Börtönlevelek by Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Börtönlevelek is a profound collection that captures the thoughts and reflections of Dietrich Bonhoeffer during his imprisonment in Nazi Germany. As a pivotal figure in Christian theology and an anti-Nazi dissident, Bonhoeffer’s writings offer a deeply insightful exploration of faith, ethics, and the human condition under extreme duress. This edition provides a comprehensive view of his correspondence, highlighting not only his theological insights but also his personal struggles and daily concerns during his confinement.
The letters portray Bonhoeffer as a deeply caring individual, grappling with significant philosophical and theological questions while maintaining a focus on the welfare of others. This collection serves as a poignant testament to his faith and resolve, making it a classic in prison literature.
Product Features:
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 200
- Language: Hungarian
- ISBN: 978-9639148321
- Publisher: Harmat (2016)
About the Author:
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906–1945) was a German pastor, theologian, and anti-Nazi dissident known for his significant contributions to Christian thought. He was a founding member of the Confessing Church and opposed the Nazi regime's actions, particularly its persecution of Jews and euthanasia program. Bonhoeffer was arrested in 1943 and spent 18 months in Tegel prison before being transferred to a concentration camp, where he was executed for his involvement in a plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler. His legacy lives on through his writings, particularly The Cost of Discipleship, which remain influential in theological discourse today.
English Summary:
Börtönlevelek stands as one of the great classics of prison literature and serves as the last will and testament of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. This expanded version shifts the focus of earlier editions from purely theological reflections to Bonhoeffer’s personal life, revealing the depth of his character through his letters. The collection includes correspondence from his family, enhancing the narrative of loss, courage, and hope that permeates his writings. Bonhoeffer's insights continue to resonate today, emphasizing his relevance as a theologian and prophetic voice in the face of oppression.
Interesting Facts:
- Bonhoeffer’s letters have been translated into over fifteen languages, demonstrating their global impact and significance.
- His writings raise important questions about faith, morality, and the responsibility of Christians in the face of injustice.
- This collection not only captures his theological reflections but also his human experiences and relationships during a dark chapter in history.
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Hungarian Translation:
A Börtönlevelek című kötet Dietrich Bonhoeffer gondolatait és reflexióit örökíti meg a náci Németországban töltött börtönévei alatt. Mint a keresztény teológia kiemelkedő alakja és antináci ellenálló, Bonhoeffer írásai mély bepillantást nyújtanak a hit, etika és az emberi lét kérdéseibe, amikor az extrém körülmények között él. Ez a kiadás átfogó képet ad a levelezéséről, amely nemcsak teológiai meglátásait, hanem személyes küzdelmeit és napi aggodalmait is bemutatja.
A hitleri Németországban kivégzett tudós teológus, Dietrich Bonhoeffer fogságában írt levelei eddig több mint tizenöt nyelven láttak napvilágot. Súlyos és máig is ható filozófiai, etikai, teológiai kérdéseket tartalmazó írásaiból egy mélyen hívő és gondolkodó, másokkal törődő, rendkívül rokonszenves ember alakja és tragikus sorsa bontakozik ki.
Hashtags (Hungarian):
#Börtönlevelek #DietrichBonhoeffer #KeresztényTeológia #HarmatKiadó