Intorducing The Gospel of John in Lontara Script in Todays's Makassar Version Makassarese Language. This is a very rare script and very rare print! BIML is dedicated to task to bring rare and beautiful Scriptures to the people that need them.
The Gospel of John in Lontara Script in Todays's Makassar
Version Makassarese Language Injil Yohanes
dalam aksara Lontara 1,000 copies in print / Great for outreach2.1 Million
Native Speakers9794634808138 pagesPrinted in 2001The Lontara script is a Brahmic script traditionally used for the Bugis, Makassarese, and Mandar languages of Sulawesi in Indonesia. It is also known as the Buginese script, as Lontara documents written in this language are the most numerous. It was largely rep
Mar 23rd 2017