
NIV WIDE MARGIN BIBLE 2001 Print with Red-letter words of Christ / Been out of print for a few years now, we managed to get 2 on hand last week

NIV WIDE MARGIN BIBLE 2001 Print with Red-letter words of Christ / Been out of print for a few years now, we managed to get 2 on hand last week


Excellent features of this RARE Bible: 

The Bible for Note Takers Why just read God's Word when you can interact with it? Here's the space you need. - Extra-wide margins for note-taking. - Larger print for easy reading. - Single-column format to facilitate reading. - New International Version---most read, most trusted. - Red-letter words of Christ. - 16-page color map set and map index. - NIV concordance. - Ribbon marker. - Blank pages at the back for notes.

The NIV 1984 text is a balance between word-for-word and thought-for-thoughtor literal and phrase by phrase translations.

The manuscript base for the Old Testament was theBiblia Hebraica StuttgartensiaMasoretic Hebrew Text. Other ancient texts consulted were theDead Sea Scrolls, theSamaritan Pentateuch, theAquila,SymmachusandTheodotion, theLatin Vulgate, theSyriac Peshitta, theAramaic Targum, and for the Psalms theJuxta Hebraicaof Jerome.  The manuscript base for theNew Testamentwas theKoine Greeklanguage editions of theUnited Bible Societiesand ofNestle-Aland.

Jun 22nd 2016 BIML USA TEAM