
Bima Language New Testament Bimanese / Kitab Suci Injil Bahasa Mbojo / Today's Bima Version 262P

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Batak Toba Language Bible with Hymnal 556 Hymns - Bibel Dohot Ende

ISBN-13: 978-9794632970

Product Details

  • Title: Batak Toba Language Bible with Hymnal 556 Hymns
  • Alternative Title: Bibel Dohot Ende
  • Format: Vinyl Bound
  • Pages: 876
  • Publisher: Bible Society
  • Edition: 2001
  • Language: Batak Toba, Indonesian
  • ISBN-10: 979463297X
  • ISBN-13: 978-9794632970
  • Additional Features:
    • Formal Translation
    • 062TI Imitation Leather Binding
    • Thumb Indexed
    • Full-Color Illustrations
    • Christian Protestant Hymnal
    • Golden Edges
    • Colored Maps
    • Limited Edition: 5,000 Printed - Few Available! RARE LANGUAGE
    • Buku Ende di Angka Huria Kristen Protestant Na Marhata Batak
    • North Sumatra Province, Indonesia

Overview / Ikhtisar

The Batak Toba Language Bible with Hymnal 556 Hymns (Bibel Dohot Ende) is a meticulously translated edition of the New Testament, crafted specifically for the Bimanese-speaking Christian community. Published in 2001 by the Bible Society, this vinyl-bound Bible encompasses 876 pages, featuring both the Old and New Testaments in a formal Batak Toba translation. Enhanced with 556 hymns, this edition serves as both a scripture resource and a hymnal for worship and devotional activities. The imitation leather binding, golden edges, and thumb indexing ensure durability and ease of navigation, while the colored maps provide valuable geographical context. Perfect for personal study, teaching, and community outreach, this Bible is an indispensable tool for fostering faith and cultural heritage among Batak Toba Christians.

Bibel Dohot Ende (Batak Toba Language Bible with Hymnal 556 Hymns) adalah edisi Alkitab yang diterjemahkan dengan cermat, dirancang khusus untuk komunitas Kristen berbahasa Bimanese. Diterbitkan pada tahun 2001 oleh Bible Society, Alkitab vinyl-bound ini mencakup 876 halaman, menampilkan Perjanjian Lama dan Perjanjian Baru dalam terjemahan formal Bahasa Batak Toba. Dilengkapi dengan 556 himne, edisi ini berfungsi sebagai sumber kitab suci dan himne untuk kegiatan ibadah dan devosi. Pembatas kulit imitasi, tepi emas, dan pengindeksan thumb memastikan daya tahan dan kemudahan navigasi, sementara peta berwarna memberikan konteks geografis yang berharga. Sempurna untuk studi pribadi, pengajaran, dan penginjilan komunitas, Alkitab ini adalah alat yang tak tergantikan untuk membina iman dan warisan budaya di kalangan Kristen Batak Toba.

Product Features

  • Formal Translation: Provides a clear and accurate translation of both the Old and New Testaments in Batak Toba.
  • Vinyl Bound: Ensures durability and longevity, making it suitable for regular use.
  • Thumb Index: Facilitates easy navigation through the extensive text, allowing quick access to specific books, chapters, and verses.
  • Full-Color Illustrations: Enhances the reading experience with detailed visual representations of biblical stories.
  • Christian Protestant Hymnal: Features 556 hymns to enrich worship services and personal devotion.
  • Golden Edges: Adds a touch of sophistication and enhances the Bible’s visual appeal.
  • Colored Maps: Includes detailed maps to help visualize biblical locations and journeys.
  • Limited Edition: Only 5,000 copies printed, with few available, making it a rare collectible.
  • Imitation Leather Binding: Offers an elegant and durable cover that withstands frequent use.
  • Buku Ende di Angka Huria Kristen Protestant Na Marhata Batak: Comprehensive hymnal section tailored for Batak Toba Christians.
  • North Sumatra Province, Indonesia: Reflects the cultural and geographical context of the Batak Toba community.

Interesting Facts / Fakta Menarik


  • Cultural Heritage: Preserves the Batak Toba language and promotes its use in religious contexts.
  • Hymnal Inclusion: Features 556 hymns to enrich worship services and personal devotion.
  • Historical Influence: The translation efforts involve notable figures like Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk, ensuring linguistic and cultural accuracy.
  • Large Speaker Base: Sunda is spoken by about 42 million people in Indonesia, making this Bible accessible to a significant population.
  • Durable Design: The imitation leather and vinyl binding ensure the Bible withstands regular use while maintaining its elegant appearance.
  • Educational Impact: Widely used in schools and churches to teach biblical principles and foster spiritual growth among Bimanese youth.
  • Modern Relevance: The thumb indexing and colored maps enhance usability and understanding of biblical narratives.
  • Community Outreach: Ideal for missionary work and outreach programs targeting Bimanese-speaking regions.
  • Rare Collectible: With only a few copies available out of 5,000 printed, it is a valuable addition to any Christian library, especially for those interested in Bimanese culture and language.


  • Warisan Budaya: Melestarikan bahasa Batak Toba dan mendorong penggunaannya dalam konteks religius.
  • Inklusi Himne: Menampilkan 556 himne untuk memperkaya layanan ibadah dan devosi pribadi.
  • Pengaruh Historis: Upaya penerjemahan melibatkan tokoh terkenal seperti Herman Neubronner van der Tuuk, memastikan akurasi linguistik dan budaya.
  • Basis Penutur Besar: Sunda dituturkan oleh sekitar 42 juta orang di Indonesia, menjadikan Alkitab ini dapat diakses oleh populasi yang signifikan.
  • Desain Tahan Lama: Pembatas kulit imitasi dan vinyl memastikan Alkitab tahan terhadap penggunaan rutin sambil mempertahankan penampilan elegan.
  • Dampak Edukasi: Banyak digunakan di sekolah dan gereja untuk mengajarkan prinsip-prinsip alkitabiah dan membina pertumbuhan rohani di kalangan pemuda Bimanese.
  • Relevansi Modern: Pengindeksan thumb dan peta berwarna meningkatkan kegunaan dan pemahaman narasi alkitabiah.
  • Penginjilan Komunitas: Ideal untuk pekerjaan misionaris dan program penginjilan yang menargetkan wilayah berbahasa Bimanese.
  • Koleksi Langka: Dengan hanya sedikit salinan tersedia dari 5.000 cetakan, ini adalah tambahan berharga untuk perpustakaan Kristen mana pun, terutama bagi mereka yang tertarik pada budaya dan bahasa Bimanese.


  • Bible Society

Hashtags / Hashtag


#BatakTobaBible #BibelDohotEnde #ChristianLiterature #BibleStudy #FaithJourney #BibleSociety #Hymnal556 #FormalTranslation #VinylBoundBible #ThumbIndexed #GoldenEdges #ColoredMaps #ChristianHymns #ProtestantHymnal #DurableBible #BibleForOutreach


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