Big Man Episode 2 - Bud Spencer / Az óriási nyomozó DVD (1988)
Product Information
- UPC: 5999882817408 / 5996255608137
- Title (English): Big Man: The False Etruscan
- Title (Hungarian): Az óriási nyomozó: A hamisítvány
- Title (Italian): Big Man: La fanciulla che ride
- Audio Options: English, Hungarian, Italian
- Subtitle: Hungarian
- Playtime: 91 minutes
- Format: Region 2 PAL DVD
- Made In: Hungary
Big Man is a 1988 Italian–French–German TV series starring Bud Spencer and directed by Steno. The series features six episodes that blend comedy and crime, with Bud Spencer portraying the larger-than-life private detective Jack Clementi. The show was later followed by the Extralarge series, inspired by Big Man, which ran between 1990 and 1993.
Hungarian Overview (Magyar Áttekintés):
Az Az óriási nyomozó egy 1988-as olasz–francia–német televíziós filmsorozat, amelyben Bud Spencer alakítja Jack Clementi magánnyomozót. A sorozat mindössze hat epizódot élt meg, és a krimi és vígjáték elemeit ötvözi. Később a Big Man sorozat ihlette a Extralarge című sorozatot, amely 1990 és 1993 között futott Bud Spencer főszereplésével.
Italian Overview (Descrizione Italiana):
Big Man è una serie TV italo-franco-tedesca del 1988 con protagonista Bud Spencer, diretta da Steno. La serie comprende sei episodi che mescolano commedia e giallo, con Bud Spencer nel ruolo del grande investigatore privato Jack Clementi. Anni dopo, la serie ha ispirato la creazione di Extralarge, che è andata in onda tra il 1990 e il 1993.
Episode 2: The False Etruscan
Plot Summary (English):
In episode two, The False Etruscan, Jack Clementi notices an article in Time Magazine about an ancient Etruscan statuette called "The Laughing Girl," owned by an American collector and verified as authentic by top experts. The artifact is also heavily insured by a reputable company. However, Clementi becomes suspicious because an identical artifact is on display in the museum of Roccaferro Castle in Italy, also verified as authentic and insured for £800,000 by Lloyds for Don Pietro (Jacques Sernas).
Clementi travels to Roccaferro, an area famous for Etruscan archaeological sites. He discovers that Don Pietro's bodyguards, led by the villainous Vasco (Raimund Harmstorf), are involved in illegally selling priceless artifacts. Meanwhile, archaeologist and ceramicist Leo Voltera (Mario Pilar) knows the truth about "The Laughing Girl." Clementi must uncover the mystery and bring the criminals to justice.
Hungarian Plot Summary (Magyar Összefoglaló):
A második epizódban (A hamisítvány) Jack Clementi a Time Magazin egy cikkére figyel fel, amelyben a Mosolygó lány nevű ókori etruszk szobrocskáról írnak. A szobor egy amerikai gyűjtő tulajdona, amelynek hitelességét neves szakértők igazolták, és jelentős biztosítás védi. Clementinek azonban gyanús, mert az olaszországi Roccaferro kastély múzeumában pontosan ugyanilyen szobor található, amelyet szintén hitelesítettek, és 800 000 angol fontra biztosítottak Don Pietro herceg számára.
Clementi Roccaferróba utazik, ahol híres etruszk régészeti lelőhelyek vannak. Kideríti, hogy Don Pietro testőrei Vasco (Raimund Harmstorf) vezetésével illegálisan értékesítik az értékes műkincseket. Eközben Leo Voltera (Mario Pilar) régész pontosan tudja, mi a titka a Mosolygó lánynak. Clementi feladata, hogy feltárja a rejtélyt és igazságot szolgáltasson.
Italian Plot Summary (Descrizione Italiana):
Nel secondo episodio (La fanciulla che ride), Jack Clementi legge un articolo sulla rivista Time riguardante una statuetta etrusca antica chiamata "La fanciulla che ride," di proprietà di un collezionista americano e autenticata dai migliori esperti. La statuetta è anche assicurata da una compagnia rinomata. Clementi sospetta qualcosa, poiché una statuetta identica si trova nel museo del Castello di Roccaferro in Italia, anch'essa autenticata e assicurata per 800.000 sterline da Lloyds per conto di Don Pietro.
Clementi si reca a Roccaferro, una zona famosa per i siti archeologici etruschi. Scopre che le guardie del corpo di Don Pietro, guidate dal malvagio Vasco (Raimund Harmstorf), sono coinvolte nella vendita illegale di artefatti. Nel frattempo, l'archeologo Leo Voltera (Mario Pilar) conosce il segreto della "Fanciulla che ride." Tocca a Clementi risolvere il mistero e assicurare i colpevoli alla giustizia.
- Bud Spencer as Jack Clementi
- Mylène Demongeot as Madame Fernande
- Denis Karvil as Simon Lecoq
- Raymond Pellegrin as Commissario Tony Caruso
- Pino Ammendola as Chewing Gum
- Jacques Sernas as Don Pietro
- Raimund Harmstorf as Vasco
- Mario Pilar as Leo Voltera
Series Information
Big Man was produced by Cecchi Gori Group and Reteitalia. It aired in Italy between November 25 and December 30, 1988, on RAI. The series combines crime and comedy, with Bud Spencer bringing his trademark charm and humor to the role of Jack Clementi, a private investigator with a larger-than-life personality.
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#BigMan #BudSpencer #AzÓriásiNyomozó #LaFanciullaCheRide #ItalianCrimeSeries #Region2PAL #HungarianDVD