Biblija u vremenu i prostoru by Gerald Hughes, Stephen Travis – Croatian Edition of "Introducing the Bible"
- EAN: 7770000001798
- Pages: 128
- Publisher: Duhovna stvarnost
- Language: Croatian / Hrvatski
- Year: 1985
Overview / Pregled
"Biblija u vremenu i prostoru" is a comprehensive overview of the Bible’s main events and teachings, contextualized within their historical and cultural settings. Written in an accessible and straightforward language, this book provides readers with a summary of key biblical events while exploring the circumstances surrounding their creation and the perspectives of the biblical authors. The book serves as an introduction to the Bible, offering insights into its influence on human history and culture.
This Croatian edition, richly illustrated with color images and specially designed maps, is ideal for those seeking a deeper understanding of the Bible’s impact throughout history. It not only explores the major stories and teachings but also helps readers grasp the context in which these events occurred, making the Bible’s message more relevant and relatable.
"Biblija u vremenu i prostoru" je opsežan pregled glavnih zbivanja i učenja Biblije, smještenih u njihov povijesni i kulturni kontekst. Pisano je jednostavnim i pristupačnim jezikom te pruža sažetak ključnih biblijskih događaja, istražujući okolnosti njihove nastajanja i stavove pisaca Biblije. Knjiga služi kao uvod u Bibliju i nudi uvid u njezin utjecaj na ljudsku povijest i kulturu.
Ovo hrvatsko izdanje, bogato ilustrirano slikama u boji i specijalno izrađenim kartama, idealno je za sve one koji žele dublje razumjeti utjecaj Biblije kroz povijest. Ono ne samo da istražuje glavne priče i učenja, već pomaže čitateljima da shvate kontekst u kojem su se ti događaji odvijali, čineći Biblijin mesaj relevantnijim i lakšim za razumijevanje.
Product Features / Značajke proizvoda
- Format: Hardcover / Tvrdi uvez
- Pages: 128 / Stranice: 128
- Dimensions: Standard hardcover size / Standardne dimenzije tvrdog uveza
- Language: Croatian (Hrvatski) / Jezik: Hrvatski
- Publisher: Duhovna stvarnost / Izdavač: Duhovna stvarnost
- Published Year: 1985 / Godina izdanja: 1985
- EAN: 7770000001798 / EAN: 7770000001798
Interesting Facts / Zanimljive činjenice
- Cultural and Historical Context: This book places biblical events within their specific cultural and historical environments, helping readers understand the significance of these events in the context of their time.
- Illustrations and Maps: The book features rich illustrations and specially created maps, enhancing the learning experience and providing a clearer understanding of the geographical and cultural settings of biblical events.
- Educational Approach: Written in everyday language, this book is an excellent resource for those new to the Bible, as well as for individuals seeking to deepen their understanding of biblical teachings in their historical and cultural context.
Track Listing (For CD Edition, if applicable) / Popis pjesama (Za CD izdanje, ako je primjenjivo)
Publishers / Izdavači
- Publisher: Duhovna stvarnost / Izdavač: Duhovna stvarnost
- Publication Year: 1985 / Godina izdanja: 1985
- Location: Croatia / Lokacija: Hrvatska
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Hashtags / Hashtags
#BiblijaUVremenuIS prostoru #GeraldHughes #StephenTravis #CroatianBible #BibleOverview #HistoricalContext #CulturalContext #ChristianLiterature #BibleStudy #DuhovnaStvarnost #BibleTeaching #BibleIntroduction #SpiritualGrowth