Biblija ili Sveto Pismo / Green Hardcover Croatian Holy Bible
Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga zavjeta / Đuro Daničić - Vuk Stef. Karadžić
Croatian Bible 043 / United Bible Societies 1993
- Hardcover 1993
- PAGES: 920
- LANGUAGE: Croatian (Serbo-Croatian)
- Book dimensions 9 x 6 x 1 inches
!!! Condition of this BIBLE is LIKE NEW !!! Cover shows minor shelf wear !!!
English Summary:
Croatian Holy Bible - Danicic - Karadzic translation. Also used in Serbia as the first complete Bible!
Green hardcover
Bible or Holy Scripture
The Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments / Translation by Đuro Daničić - Vuk Stef. Karadžić. Publication of the Bible Society.
New Testament (Karadžić) / Foreword:
Here is the New Testament in Serbian! If I were to forgive my words and other things about our people that I have collected somewhere, then I would not be afraid of death at all.
The history of this translation, from 1815 to the present, is very significant and in many places funny, but it is also long and wide, so it must be left out for now.
In the translation of each book, the translator is obliged to ensure that the translation is as faithful as possible, i.e. j. not to say anything different, no less, no more, but exactly as and as much as it is in the original. In the translation of the Holy Scriptures, special attention must be paid to this, and for this reason, in some translations, including our Slavic one, more attention was paid to the translation of words with all the most grammatical changes than to the meaning: this makes the language in most translations ugly and difficult to understand. , I want this translation to be faithful, like the Holy Scriptures, but as much as possible to be in our purer vernacular. With some verses, as well as around one word, both translating and printing, I asked for help in ten translations, but finally I asked, before the late Kopitar and now F. Miklošić, how it was in the original. So I tried as hard as I could both in terms of fidelity and language; but despite all that effort, I can't say that there won't be mistakes in both; because no human work can be without some mistake. Whatever is indicated in our Slavonic translation on the page or down at the bottom in finer letters, these are all errors against the original; and for the mistakes in the language, any smart person will excuse me even sooner when he thinks that a work like this is being translated into a language that is now being written and which is far more corrupted than its rules have been collected and the meanings of the words have been determined. But again, no one should think that these are all mistakes that this or that one, not knowing the language and not understanding things, will say they are; because in today's state of our literature, few readers will not find mistakes in meaning and language on every page. According to the Slavic translation itself, no one can judge where it has been faithfully translated and where it has not; because in the Slavic translation there are places where the meaning of the words cannot be understood even if a person has studied the Slavic language for a hundred years; and there are others where we don't even doubt if we understand, and yet we don't. So I hope that even our greatest theologians, who until now only relied on the Slavic translation, will only be able to understand many places in the New Testament with the help of this translation.
Croatian Summary:
Biblija ili Sveto Pismo
Sveto Pismo Staroga i Novoga zavjeta / Prevod Đuro Daničić - Vuk Stef. Karadžić. Izdanje Bibliskoga Društva.
Novi zavjet (Karadžić) / Predgovor:
Evo i na Srpskome jeziku Novoga zavjeta! Da mi se kad ovako oprostiti riječi i ostaloga koječega o narodu našemu što sam kojekuda skupio, onda se smrti nimalo ne bih bojao.
Istorija je ovoga prijevoda, od godine 1815 do danas, vrlo znatna a na mnogo mjesta i smiješna, ali je i duga i široka, za to se za sad mora izostaviti.
U prevođenju svake knjige dužan je onaj koji prevodi starati se da prijevod što je više moguće bude vjeran, t. j. da se ne kaže što ni drukčije ni manje ni više, nego upravo onako i onoliko kao što je u originalu. U prevođenju svetoga pisma na to se osobito mora paziti, i za to se u gdjekojijem prijevodima, među kojima je i naš Slavenski, više pazilo na prevođenje riječi sa svima gramatičnijem promjenama nego na smisao: s toga je u najviše prijevoda jezik rđav i težak razumjeti, Ja sam se da ovaj prijevod bude vjeran, kaono ti sveto pismo, ali što je moguće više da bude i našijem čistijem narodnijem jezikom. Kod gdjekojijeh stihova, kašto i oko jedne riječi, i prevodeći i štampajući, tražio sam pomoći u deset prijevoda, pak sam najposlije pitao, prije pokojnoga Kopitara a sad F. Miklošića, kako je u originalu. Tako ja sam se trudio što sam više mogao i oko vjernosti i oko jezika; ali pored svega toga truda ne mogu reći da se ne će naći pogrješaka i u jednome i u drugome; jer ljudski posao nikakav ne može biti bez i kake pogrješke. Što je god ono u našemu Slavenskome prijevodu na strani ili dolje na dnu naznačeno sitnijim slovima, sve su ono pogrješke protiv originala; a za pogrješke u jeziku svaki će me pametan čovjek još prije opravdati kad pomisli da se ovako djelo prevodi na jezik kojijem se sad počinje pisati i koji je do sad mnogo više kvaren nego su pravila njegova skupljana i značenja riječi određivana. Ali opet ne treba niko da misli da su ono sve pogrješke što će ovaj ili onaj ne znajući jezika i ne razumijevajući stvari kazati da jesu; jer u današnjemu stanju naše književnosti malo koji čitatelj ne će na svakoj strani naći pogrješaka i u smislu i jeziku. Po samome Slavenskom prijevodu niko ne može presuditi gdje je ovdje vjerno prevedeno gdje li nije; jer u Slavenskome prijevodu ima mjesta gdje se smisao iz riječi nikako ne može razumjeti makar čovjek učio Slavenski jezik sto godina; a ima i takovijeh gdje ni malo ne sumnjamo razumijemo li, a opet ne razumijemo. Tako se ja nadam da će i najveći naši bogoslovi, koji su se do sad samo na Slavenski prijevod oslanjali, tek s pomoću ovoga prijevoda moći upravo razumjeti mnoga mjesta u Novome zavjetu.