Bibliai Sikerkalauz by John Hagee – Hungarian Edition of The Seven Secrets
- ISBN: 9789639617070 / 9639617075
- Product Type: Paperback
- Publisher: Új Spirit Könyvek
- Language: Hungarian
- Pages: 334
- Year of Publication: 2006
- Translated by: Joób Viktória
Bibliai Sikerkalauz (Biblical Success Guide) by John Hagee is the Hungarian edition of The Seven Secrets, where the renowned pastor and author shares his insights on achieving success by applying Biblical principles to all areas of life. Drawing from decades of pastoral service and wisdom, Hagee emphasizes that true success comes from following God’s guidance and aligning our lives with His will.
The book is structured around seven key principles that, according to Hagee, will help anyone lead a successful and fulfilling life. Each of these principles is explained in-depth, with practical applications and real-life examples. The 49 Biblical principles outlined in this book are considered timeless, and they have been validated by the author’s own long-term experience in ministry.
The key message of the book is that success is accessible to everyone. Hagee boldly declares, “If we are not successful, it is not God’s fault!” The principles presented in the book offer an ancient, heavenly blueprint for success, guiding readers toward personal and professional fulfillment.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 334
- Language: Hungarian
- Publisher: Új Spirit Könyvek
- Year of Publication: 2006
- Translated by: Joób Viktória
- Special Features:
- 49 Biblical principles that are foundational for success in life.
- Emphasis on aligning one’s life with God’s will and using Biblical guidance for success.
- Includes practical advice on topics such as attitude, perseverance, self-esteem, communication, prosperity, and prayer.
Interesting Facts
- John Hagee is a well-known pastor and author whose books on Christian living have reached millions of readers worldwide.
- This book reflects Hagee's belief that success is not just for a select few, but is available to anyone who follows Biblical teachings.
- The book is structured in a step-by-step guide, with each chapter dedicated to a particular principle or “step” to success.
- The Hungarian edition brings these life-changing principles to a new audience, providing insight into how faith and action work together to achieve success.
- Új Spirit Könyvek
- Publication Year: 2006
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Hungarian Translation
Bibliai Sikerkalauz John Hagee híres könyvének magyar kiadása, amely a Bibliai alapelvek segítségével mutatja be, hogyan érhetjük el a sikeres életet. Hagee a könyvben hét alapvető lépést és 49 bibliai elvet tárgyal, amelyek segítségével bárki képes lehet sikeressé válni. A könyv a keresztény hit erejét és Isten akaratát követve nyújt praktikus útmutatót a mindennapi életben való boldoguláshoz.
Hagee fő üzenete, hogy a siker nem elérhetetlen, és nem Isten hibája, ha valaki nem sikeres. A könyv a Biblia ősi, isteni útmutatójára épít, amely segíthet bárkinek elérni a személyes és szakmai boldogságot.
#JohnHagee #BibliaiSikerkalauz #BibliaiSiker #KereszténySiker #SikerHitÁltal #MagyarKönyvek #SikerAzÉletben #BibliaiAlapelvek #KeresztényÉletvezetés #KeresztényÚtmutató #IdőtállóBölcsesség #HitÉsCselekedet #MagyarFordítás #SzemélyesSiker #Prosperitás #ImádságÉsSiker #CélokElérése