Bible Stories for Brave Boys, Ages 7 to 13 – Chinese Language, Traditional Script / 給勇敢男孩的聖經故事 (繁體中文)
Bible Stories for Brave Boys is crafted for boys ages 7 to 13, featuring inspiring stories from the Bible that encourage courage and confidence. Written by Melissa Alex, this book uses accessible language and captivating narratives to introduce young readers to the morals and teachings of the Bible. The vibrant illustrations by Gustavo Mazali bring each story to life, making learning fun and engaging for children.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover 精裝本
- Pages: 303
- Publisher: Chinese Bible International 中華聖經協會
- Year Published: 2016
- Language: Chinese Traditional 繁體中文
- Dimensions: Approximately 8 x 6.5 inches 約 8 x 6.5 英寸
- ISBN: 9789888286621
- SKU: 9789888286621-6621-CHT0621
- Condition: New 全新
- Ships from: USA 美國
Interesting Facts
This book introduces young boys to stories of bravery from the Bible, such as David's battle with Goliath and Daniel’s courage in the lions' den, helping build their faith and teaching them to face challenges boldly. Author Melissa Alex is passionate about spiritual education for youth, aiming to inspire a new generation of brave believers.
- Publisher: Chinese Bible International 中華聖經協會
- Year Published: 2016
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