Bemerítkezés és engedelmesség by Philip, Joe S. - Hungarian translation of Baptism. Should I Obey It? / Study of the importance of baptism based on faith
- ISBN: 9639867477
- PAGES 80
Hungarian Summary:
Tanulmány a hitből való bemerítkezés fontosságáról.
A keresztségről, bemerítkezésről világosan beszél az Újszövetség.
A bemerítkezésről szóló tanítás, annak gyakorlata azonban eltérhet egymástól.
Joe S. Philip testvér a neki adott kegyelmi ajándék szerint foglal állást ebben a fontos kérdésben.
A bereaiak (Apostolok Cselekedetei 17,11) indulatával tanulmányozzuk ezt az írást is.
English Summary:
Study of the importance of baptism based on faith.
"Joe Philip has been biblically stirred to call the Church to the ordinance of Christian baptism, not only as a confession of one's eternal salvation, but as a conviction of present surrender to what God has accomplished in the life of the believer. As one who had to consider a public commitment to this command of our Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles years after personally receiving His salvation, I heartily commend the author's call." -Ramesh Richard PhD, ThD, Professor, Dallas Theological Seminary Find the real meaning of baptism as taught and practiced in the Scriptures in this exciting book Baptism: Should I Obey it? This book will go into the details of believer's baptism - its spiritual meaning, the mode of observance, the candidacy for baptism, the authority for baptism, the Scriptural evidences for baptism, and its relevance in the Christian life. It will open your spiritual insights into the significance of a simple ordinance such as baptism, and thereby convince you of how committed and devoted your life should be towards God through the daily surrendering of your whole self for Christ to live in you. The symbolism involved in baptism is confusing to many. It is amazing to witness the different ways baptism is administered and the purposes for which it is administered throughout Christendom, where a very simple ordinance like believer's baptism has evolved into such a complex and extensive ceremony. Often, its symbolic and spiritual meaning has been adulterated into a doctrine of its own. This study will take you right to the source of baptism, which is the Bible, and lay down the biblical pattern for obeying believer's baptism.