
Béla Bartók – Sonata (1903) for Violin and Piano (Music Score)

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Béla Bartók – Sonata (1903) for Violin and Piano (Music Score)

Edited by Denijs Dille with Bowings and Fingerings for the Violin Part by Gertler Endre

Product Information

  • Title: Bartók Béla – Sonata (1903)
  • Editors:Product Type: Sheet Music (Paperback)
    • Text and Critical Apparatus: Denijs Dille
    • Violin Part (Bowings & Fingerings): Gertler Endre
  • Setting: Violin and Piano
  • Period: 20th Century
  • Length: 80 pages
  • Format: A/4
  • Weight: 0.254 kg
  • Published: 1968
  • Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
  • Item Number: 5366
  • ISMN: 9790080053669 / 979-0080053669
  • Made in: Hungary


English Overview:
Bartók Béla’s Sonata (1903) for violin and piano is a seminal work that captures the spirit of early 20th‑century Hungarian musical innovation. Composed in Budapest—with its first performance by Hubay Jenő on January 25, 1904—and later presented in Vienna and Paris, the sonata reflects both the youthful experimentation and evolving refinements of its composer. Notably, Bartók revisited and revised the first and third movements over time, underscoring his quest for an ever-more perfected musical expression.

This critical edition, published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in 1968, is based on a rich array of primary sources: autographs from early public performances, the composer's own handwritten amendments (including a separate page detailing changes in the first movement), and manuscripts used during live performances. To facilitate interpretation, the violin part is enhanced with detailed bowing indications and fingerings provided by the renowned Gertler Endre. Printed on high‑quality, environmentally friendly paper, this edition is both a practical resource for performers and a testament to Bartók’s lasting impact on modern music.

Hungarian Translation – Áttekintés:
Bartók Béla 1903-ban megkomponált hegedű‑zongoraszonátája meghatározó alkotás a 20. század eleji magyar zenei innovációban. A mű Budapesten született, és első előadását Hubay Jenő adta 1904. január 25-én, majd később Bécsben és Párizsban is bemutatásra került. A szonáta tükrözi a fiatal zeneszerző kísérletező kedvét, ugyanakkor már a mű későbbi átdolgozásai – az I. és III. tétel változtatásai – is azt jelzik, hogy Bartók folyamatosan törekedett a művének tökéletesítésére.

A 1968-ban megjelent kritikai kiadás az előadások során használt autográf tisztázatok, a kompozitor saját kézírásában rögzített módosítások, illetve az előadásokon használt kéziratos hegedűszólam alapján készült. A kiadáshoz mellékelt, Gertler Endre által berendezett hegedűszólam megkönnyíti a mű előadását, így ez a kötetermék egyaránt szolgál gyakorlati zenei forrásként és Bartók művészi örökségének dokumentációjaként.

Product Features

Format & Technical Details

  • Binding & Paper:
    Printed on high‑quality, environmentally sustainable paper to ensure long‑term durability.
  • Layout:
    The A/4 format is designed for optimal readability, with clear editorial markings and performance notes integrated throughout the 80-page score.
  • Editorial Apparatus:
    Based on multiple primary sources—including early autographs, performance manuscripts, and the composer's own corrections—this edition provides an authoritative text complemented by precise bowing and fingering indications for the violin part.

Key Musical and Historical Content

  • Historical Context:
    • Composed in Budapest in 1903, with the first performance in 1904, the sonata reflects the transitional period of Bartók’s early style.
    • Subsequent revisions to the first and third movements highlight his evolving artistic vision.
  • Performance Insights:
    • The inclusion of detailed bowings and fingerings assists performers in achieving an idiomatic interpretation of the work.
    • The edition captures the interplay between the lyrical and the rigorous, typical of Bartók’s early output.
  • Musical Structure:
    • The sonata is structured in multiple movements that showcase contrasting characters—from vibrant, energetic passages to reflective interludes—thereby presenting a balanced yet dynamic musical narrative.

Educational and Performance Value

  • Pedagogical Resource:
    This edition is an invaluable tool for violinists and pianists alike, offering insight into performance practice of early Bartók and serving as a practical guide in mastering the technical and expressive challenges of the sonata.
  • Scholarly Significance:
    With its extensive critical apparatus and careful editorial work, the edition provides musicologists and performers a window into the revision processes and stylistic nuances of Bartók’s early compositional period.
  • Interpretative Enhancement:
    Gertler Endre’s bowings and fingerings exemplify performance-ready suggestions that bridge the gap between the score’s abstract notation and its lived musical expression.


Published in 1968 by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó, this edition of Bartók’s 1903 Sonata for violin and piano stands as a vital contribution to both performance and scholarly research. It is an essential resource for performers dedicated to exploring Bartók’s innovative melding of Hungarian folk elements with modern musical language.

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#BartokSonata1903 #ViolinPianoSonata #EditioMusicaBudapest #Bartok #GertlerEndre #DenijsDille #ClassicalSheetMusic #HungarianMusic

Hungarian (Címkék):

#BartókSzonáta1903 #HegedűZongoraSzonáta #EditioMusicaBudapest #BartókBéla #GertlerEndre #DenijsDille #KlasszikusKotta #MagyarZene*1k9d8b6*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODMzMTU1LjYw*1k9d8b6*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODMzMTU1LjYw*1k9d8b6*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODMzMTU1LjYw*1k9d8b6*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODMzMTU1LjYw*1k9d8b6*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODMzMTU1LjYw

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