
Beibel na Papiamentu – Edishon Revisá | Bible in Papiamentu Creole Language – Revised Edition

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Beibel na Papiamentu – Edishon Revisá | Bible in Papiamentu Language – Revised Edition

UPC: 978-9990467222 (PA025Z)
UPC: 978-9990467321 (PA024Z)

Un Tesoro Espiritual den Papiamentu | A Spiritual Treasure in Papiamentu   

Papiamentu a Creole language based principally on Spanish and Portuguese, spoken and written in the islands of Curaçao, Aruba, and Bonaire in the Netherlands Antilles.


Eksplorá i lesioná Palabra di Dios den Papiamentu ku un edishon revisá i fasil di komprondé. E Beibel aki ta ideal pa lesadó ku ta buska profundisá nan fe i eksperensia un buki sagrado na nan idioma materno. Ku klaridat den kontenido, resúmen di kaptítulo, i diseño organisá, esaki ta un regalo espiritual pa kada persona.

Explore and study the Word of God in Papiamentu with this revised and easy-to-understand edition. This Bible is perfect for readers seeking to deepen their faith and experience sacred scripture in their native language. With clarity in content, chapter summaries, and an organized design, this is a spiritual gift for everyone.

Karakterístiknan di Produkto | Product Features

  • Idioma | Language: Papiamentu
  • Formato | Format: Leatherbound
  • Pages 2052
  • Editor | Publisher: Sosiedat di Beibel | Bible Society
  • Dimenshon | Dimensions: Stándar i portabel | Standard and portable
  • Año di publicación | Year of Publication: 2013
  • Mapanan | Maps: Sí, mapanan di context bibliko inkluí na © United Bible Societies 1996 | Yes, biblical context maps included © United Bible Societies 1996
  • Tipografía | Typeset: Formato por Korean Bible Society, 2014 | Typeset by Korean Bible Society, 2014
  • 3000 copies printed

Dato Interesante | Interesting Facts

  • Tradukshon den Papiamentu ku respeto pa Palabra di Dios i klaridat linguístiko.
  • Kada sekshon ta kuminsá ku un título kortiku, fasilitá buska di kontenido spesífiko.
  • Alíneanan lesadó a pone énfasis riba komodidat di lesadó, eliminando konfushon linguístiko.
  • E Beibel aki ta enkargá pa sirbi komo un gid espiritual pa komunidat di Papiamentu.

  • Translation in Papiamentu ensures respect for the Word of God and linguistic clarity.

  • Each section begins with a short title, making it easier to find specific content.
  • Reader-friendly paragraph structure emphasizes ease of understanding and eliminates linguistic confusion.
  • This Bible is designed to serve as a spiritual guide for the Papiamentu-speaking community.

Editor | Publisher

  • Sosiedat di Beibel | Bible Society
  • Distribuí pa | Distributed by: United Bible Societies

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