Beginning with Christ by H.L. Heijkoop – Chinese Edition
- ISBN: GBV19601
- Product Type: Hardcover
- Publication Year: 1998
- Pages: 132
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Language: Chinese Simplified
Beginning with Christ by H.L. Heijkoop is a simple yet profound guide designed for new Christian converts, especially for those starting their journey of faith. This Chinese edition of the book is an excellent resource for believers who are new to the Christian faith and looking for answers to fundamental questions about salvation, spiritual growth, and how to walk with God. The book provides plain teachings from the Bible on essential matters that affect young Christians, offering clear, easily understandable answers to many of the questions that arise in the early stages of one's faith journey.
Some of the key topics covered in this book include:
- Conversion – Understanding the process of turning to Christ.
- Peace with God – Finding inner peace and reconciliation with God.
- Deliverance from sin – How Christ’s sacrifice frees believers from the power of sin.
- Election – Understanding God's choice for salvation.
- New birth – The transformative power of being born again in Christ.
- Communion – The importance of fellowship and partaking in the body of Christ.
- Sanctification – Growing in holiness and becoming more like Christ.
- Bible reading – The vital role of Scripture in a believer's life.
- Prayer – Communicating with God and strengthening faith.
- Baptism – The significance of this sacred rite in the Christian life.
- The Lord's Supper – Understanding the spiritual meaning of communion.
- Worship – The importance of honoring God in daily life.
- Service – Living out one’s faith through acts of service to others.
This book is ideal for new believers who seek to understand the basics of the Christian faith, as well as for those who desire to grow deeper in their relationship with God. Its straightforward language makes it an accessible resource for Christians who are still learning the scriptures.
Product Features
- Format: Hardcover
- Pages: 132
- Language: Chinese Simplified
- Publisher: Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Year of Publication: 1998
Interesting Facts
- Beginning with Christ is specifically designed for new converts to Christianity, making it a perfect companion for those who are just starting their spiritual journey.
- The book covers essential topics that are foundational for understanding the Christian faith, making it a valuable resource for both new believers and those who seek to refresh their understanding of basic Christian doctrines.
- With clear and simple explanations, the book is accessible even for readers who may not be very familiar with the Bible.
- Gute Botschaft Verlag aims to provide Christian literature that is accessible to believers in various languages, including Chinese, ensuring that the gospel message reaches a wider audience.
- Gute Botschaft Verlag
- Publication Year: 1998
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#ChristianBooks #NewBelievers #ChineseChristianLiterature #ChristianFaith #BibleTeaching #GuteBotschaftVerlag #NewConvertGuide #ChristianityForBeginners #FaithInChrist #WalkWithGod #ChristianSpirituality #SimpleBibleTeachings #ChristianGrowth
Chinese Translation
《与基督同行》由H.L. Heijkoop所著,是一本专为新信徒设计的简明指南,尤其适合刚开始信仰旅程的基督徒。本书的中文版本是一个极好的资源,帮助信徒回答关于救赎、灵性成长和如何与神同行的基本问题。书中以简单明了的方式,提供了圣经中与年轻基督徒息息相关的重要教义,帮助他们清晰理解信仰的基本问题。
- 悔改 – 转向基督的过程。
- 与神和好 – 寻找内心的平安和与神的和解。
- 从罪中得解 – 基督的牺牲如何使信徒摆脱罪的权势。
- 拣选 – 理解神为拯救所做的选择。
- 重生 – 在基督里经历改变的力量。
- 圣餐 – 参与基督身体的意义。
- 成圣 – 在圣洁中成长,变得像基督。
- 读圣经 – 圣经在信徒生活中的重要性。
- 祷告 – 与神沟通并增强信仰。
- 洗礼 – 在基督徒生活中的神圣仪式。
- 主的晚餐 – 领受圣餐的属灵意义。
- 敬拜 – 在日常生活中荣耀神。
- 服侍 – 通过服侍他人来活出信仰。
#基督教书籍 #新信徒 #中文基督教文学 #基督教信仰 #圣经教义 #GuteBotschaftVerlag #新信徒指南 #基督教入门 #与基督同行 #基督信仰成长 #圣经教导 #服侍他人