
Bartók: Orchestral Music – A Masterpiece Collection (3x Audio CD)

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Bartók: Orchestral Music – A Masterpiece Collection (3x Audio CD)

Product Information

  • Product Type: 3 x CD Compilation
  • Title: Bartók: Orchestral Music – Concerto for Orchestra, Kossuth; The Miraculous Mandarin; The Wooden Prince; Dance Suite
  • Performer/Conductor: Budapest Festival Orchestra, Ivan Fischer
  • Label: Philips – 475 7684
  • UPC: 028947576846
  • Released: 2006
  • Format: 3 x Audio CD, Compilation
  • Country: Europe
  • Genre: Classical
  • Style: Modern


This outstanding three-CD compilation presents a comprehensive survey of Béla Bartók's orchestral mastery. The collection includes his monumental "Concerto for Orchestra," the powerful tone poem "Kossuth," the dramatic "The Miraculous Mandarin," the charming "The Wooden Prince," and the lively "Dance Suite." Under the inspired direction of Ivan Fischer, the Budapest Festival Orchestra delivers definitive interpretations of these landmark works. This set is an essential acquisition for classical music enthusiasts and scholars alike, as it encapsulates Bartók’s innovative blending of traditional folk elements with modern orchestral techniques.

Hungarian Translation – Overview (Áttekintés)

Ez a kiváló, három CD-ből álló válogatás bemutatja Bartók Béla zenekari zsenialitásának teljes skáláját. A kiadvány tartalmazza a lenyűgöző "Concerto for Orchestra"-t, a drámai "Kossuth"-ot, az erőteljes "The Miraculous Mandarin"-t, a bájos "The Wooden Prince"-t, valamint a lendületes "Dance Suite"-t. Ivan Fischer vezetésével a Budapest Festival Orchestra meghatározó előadást nyújt ezekből a mérföldkőnek számító művekből. Ez a válogatás elengedhetetlen választás a klasszikus zene rajongói és kutatói számára, mivel Bartók innovatív módon ötvözi a népi hagyományokat a modern zenekari megoldásokkal.

Product Features

  • Comprehensive Collection:Performance: Featuring the world-renowned Budapest Festival Orchestra under conductor Ivan Fischer.
    • Concerto for Orchestra: A tour de force showcasing Bartók's skill in orchestrating contrasting dynamics and textures.
    • Kossuth: A stirring symphonic poem that reflects the composer’s early engagement with programmatic music.
    • The Miraculous Mandarin: A vivid and dramatic work featuring a challenging choral finale.
    • The Wooden Prince: A fantastical stage work full of whimsy and character.
    • Dance Suite: A ballet-like suite capturing various moods and tempos.
  • Audio Quality: Philips’ renowned engineering ensures a balanced, dynamic, and immersive listening experience.
  • Compilation: Curated to provide both seasoned listeners and newcomers an insightful journey through Bartók’s orchestral oeuvre.

Interesting Facts

  • Innovative Orchestration:
    Bartók’s "Concerto for Orchestra" transformed the traditional role of the orchestra, giving prominence to its individual sections in a masterful interplay of sound.

  • Historical Significance:
    "Kossuth" is a powerful, early tone poem that not only honors Hungary’s national hero but also anticipates Bartók's lifelong fascination with folk themes.

  • Dramatic Narratives:
    "The Miraculous Mandarin" and "The Wooden Prince" offer contrasting portrayals – one of raw, provocative drama and the other of a magical narrative, highlighting Bartók’s versatility.

  • Performance Legacy:
    Ivan Fischer and the Budapest Festival Orchestra are celebrated worldwide for their nuanced and robust interpretations, making this recording a benchmark in Bartók discography.

Hungarian Translation – Interesting Facts (Érdekes Tények)

  • Innovatív Zenekari Műveltség:
    Bartók "Concerto for Orchestra"-ja átalakította a zenekar hagyományos szerepét, úgy, hogy kiemelje az egyes hangszercsoportok között fennálló mesteri összhangot.

  • Történelmi Jelentőség:
    A "Kossuth" egy erőteljes, korai szimfonikus vers, amely nemcsak Magyarország hősének tiszteletét fejezi ki, hanem előrevetíti Bartók egész életére jellemző népzenei vonzalmát.

  • Drámai Narratívák:
    A "The Miraculous Mandarin" és "The Wooden Prince" kontrasztos képeket mutat be – az egyik nyers, provokatív drámát, a másik egy varázslatos történetet, ezzel is kiemelve Bartók sokoldalúságát.

  • Előadói Örökség:
    Ivan Fischer és a Budapest Festival Orchestra világszerte elismert előadók, akiket finom és erőteljes interpretációikról dicsérnek, így ez a felvétel meghatározó mérföldkő Bartók diskográfiájában.

Track Listing

Disc 1

Orchestral Music: Village Scenes (Falun / Tri Dedinské Scény) – BB 87b

  • Performed by SLUK Slovakian Folk Ensemble Choir
    • 1-1. I Lakodalon (Scatha) = Wedding – 3:45
    • 1-2. II Bölscő Dal (Ukolievarka) = Lullaby – 4:21
    • 1-3. III Legénytánc (Tanec Mladencov) = Lads' Dance – 2:28

Concerto for Orchestra, BB 123

  • 1-4. I Introduzione: Andante Non Troppo – Allegro Vivace – 9:44
  • 1-5. II Giuoco Delle Coppie: Allegretto Scherzando – 5:58
  • 1-6. III Elegia: Andante Non Troppo – 7:08
  • 1-7. IV Intermezzo Interrotto: Allegretto – 4:16
  • 1-8. V Finale: Pesante – Presto – 9:07
  • 1-9. Kossuth, BB 31 – 19:59

Disc 2

Hungarian Peasant Songs (Magyar Parasztdalok), BB 107

  • 2-1. Ballada (Tema Con Variazioni) = Ballad – 3:05
  • 2-2. Régi Táncdalok = Hungarian Peasant Dances – 6:21

Hungarian Sketches (Magyar Képek), BB 103

  • 2-3. I Este A Székelyeknél = Evening In The Village – 2:59
  • 2-4. II Medvetánc = Bear Dance – 1:37
  • 2-5. III Melódia = Melody – 2:22
  • 2-6. IV Kicsit Ázottan = Slightly Tipsy – 2:09
  • 2-7. V Ürögi Kanásztánc = Ürög Swineherd's Dance – 2:11

Romanian Folk Dances (Román Népi Táncok), BB 76

  • 2-8. I Joc Cu Bât (Bot-tánc) = Stick Dance (From Mezőszabad) – 1:13
  • 2-9. II Brâul = Sash Dance (From Egres) – 0:38
  • 2-10. III Pe Loc (Topogó) = In One Spot (From Egres) – 1:01
  • 2-11. IV Buciumeana (Bucsumi Tánc) = Horn Dance (From Bisztra) – 1:44
  • 2-12. V Poarga Româneasc (Román Polka) = Romanian Polka (From Belényes) – 0:31
  • 2-13. VI Mărunţel (Aprózó) = Fast Dance (From Belényes) – 0:15
  • 2-14. VII Mărunţel (Aprózó) = Fast Dance (From Nyágra) – 0:40

Dances Of Transylvania (Erdélyi Táncok), BB 102b

  • 2-15. I Allegretto – 1:36
  • 2-16. II Moderato – 0:42
  • 2-17. III Allegro Vivace – 1:59
  • 2-18. Román Tánc = Romanian Dance, BB 61 – 4:30

Disc 3

The Miraculous Mandarin (A Csodálatos Mandarin), BB 82
Performed by the Hungarian Radio Chorus, Chorus Master: Kálmán Strausz

  • 2-19. Allegro – 3:04
  • 2-20. Moderato (First Decoy Game) – 3:49
  • 2-21. Second Decoy Game – 3:19
  • 2-22. Sostenuto (Third Decoy Game) – 1:34
  • 2-23. Maestoso – 6:57
  • 2-24. Allegro – 2:19
  • 2-25. Sempre Vivo – 2:03
  • 2-26. Adagio – 2:51
  • 2-27. Agitato – 1:33
  • 2-28. Molto Moderato – 1:40
  • 2-29. Più Mosso – 2:05

The Wooden Prince (A Fából Faragott Királyfi), BB 74

  • 3-1. Introduction: Molto Moderato – 4:33
  • 3-2. First Dance: Dance Of The Princess In The Forest (Molto Moderato) – 4:45
  • 3-3. Second Dance: Dance Of The Trees (Assai Moderato) – 4:57
  • 3-4. Third Dance: Dance Of The Waves (Andante) – 10:37
  • 3-5. Fourth Dance: Dance Of The Princess With The Wooden Doll (Allegro) – 15:08
  • 3-6. Fifth Dance: The Princess Pulls And Tugs At The Wooden Prince And Tries To Make Him Dance (Meno Mosso) – 1:46
  • 3-7. Sixth Dance: She Tries To Attract The Real Prince With Her Seductive Dancing – 1:38
  • 3-8. Seventh Dance: Dismayed, The Princess Attempts To Hurry After The Prince, But The Forest Bars Her Way (Moderato) – 8:03

Dance Suite (Táncszvit), BB 86

  • 3-9. I Moderato – 3:13
  • 3-10. II Allegro Molto – 2:13
  • 3-11. III Allegro Vivace – 2:59
  • 3-12. IV Molto Tranquillo – 3:03
  • 3-13. V Comodo – 1:03
  • 3-14. VI Finale: Allegro – 4:01

Production & Credits

  • Conductor: Ivan Fischer
  • Orchestra: Budapest Festival Orchestra
  • Chorus (for The Miraculous Mandarin): Hungarian Radio Chorus, led by Kálmán Strausz
  • A&R Production & Recording Producer: Hermine Sterringa; Balance Engineer: Hein Dekker
  • Recording Engineers:
    • Everett Porter (Tracks 3-1 to 3-14)
    • Jan Wesselink, Nico de Koning (Tracks 2-1 to 2-29)
    • Roger de Schot (Tracks 1-1 to 2-29)
  • Liner Notes:Design & Art Direction: WLP Ltd. / Claudia Wafer
    • English by Kenneth Chalmers
    • Traduction by Claire Delamarche
    • Übersetzung by Andreas Klatt
  • Photography: Joost Van Velden


Released by Philips in 2006, this meticulously compiled 3-CD set is a definitive survey of Bartók’s orchestral music. It brings together essential works that showcase his unique synthesis of folk inspiration and modern composition, making it invaluable both for performance and academic study.

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#Bartók #ConcertoForOrchestra #Kossuth #MiraculousMandarin #TheWoodenPrince #DanceSuite #BudapestFestivalOrchestra #IvanFischer #PhilipsCD #ClassicalMusic #ModernOrchestral

Hungarian (Címkék):

#BartókBéla #ZenekariZene #Kossuth #CsodálatosMandarin #FábólFaragottKirályfi #Táncszvit #BudapestFestivalOrchestra #IvanFischer #PhilipsCD #KlasszikusZene*15uno52*_ga*MjA2NTIxMjE2MC4xNTkwNTEyNTMy*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3NDcyMzQ0Ny43MzIuMS4xNjc0NzMxNjI3LjUwLjAuMA..*15uno52*_ga*MjA2NTIxMjE2MC4xNTkwNTEyNTMy*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3NDcyMzQ0Ny43MzIuMS4xNjc0NzMxNjI3LjUwLjAuMA..*15uno52*_ga*MjA2NTIxMjE2MC4xNTkwNTEyNTMy*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY3NDcyMzQ0Ny43MzIuMS4xNjc0NzMxNjI3LjUwLjAuMA..



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