
Bartók Béla – Three Folksongs from the County of Csík (Sheet Music)

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Bartók Béla – Three Folksongs from the County of Csík (Sheet Music)

(Három csíkmegyei népdal) – Transcribed by Szeszler Tibor

Product Details

  • Item Number: 2467
  • ISMN: 9790080024676 / 979-0080024676
  • Format: Paperback, Bach (23 x 30,2 cm)
  • Setting: Oboe and Piano
  • Series: Bartók Transcriptions for Music Students
  • Period: 20th Century
  • Language: Hungarian, English, German
  • Length: 8 pages
  • Weight: 0.057 kg
  • Published: 1958
  • Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
  • Catalog Number: 2467
  • Made in: Hungary



Bartók Béla – Three Folksongs from the County of Csík is a distinctive choral transcription arranged specifically for oboe and piano by Tibor Szeszler. This 8-page edition is part of the "Bartók Transcriptions for Music Students" series, designed to introduce budding musicians to the rich heritage of one of the 20th century’s foremost composers. In 1907, on his inaugural collecting trip to Transylvania, Bartók recorded three melodies along Gyergyótekerőpatak in Csík. Originally, these folksongs were accompanied by piano—the same year the composer also arranged them for solo piano under the title "Three Hungarian Folksongs from Csík." With this transcription, inspired by the performance of a sixty-year-old peasant on a folk flute, the music is now presented for oboe and piano while faithfully maintaining Bartók’s authentic notation, tempo markings, and dynamic nuances.


A Bartók Béla – Három csíkmegyei népdal egy egyedülálló átirat, melyet Szeszler Tibor készített oboára és zongorára. Ez a 8 oldalas kiadvány a „Bartók-átiratok zeneiskolásoknak” sorozat része, melynek célja, hogy a fiatal zenetanulók megismerjék a 20. század egyik legnagyobb zeneszerzőjének gazdag népzenei örökségét. Bartók 1907-ben, első erdélyi gyűjtőútján a Csík megyei Gyergyótekerőpatakon jegyezte le ezeket a dallamokat. Eredetileg zongorakísérettel szerepeltek, majd ugyanebben az évben szólózongorára dolgozta fel őket „Három magyar népdal” címmel. Az átirat a népi furulyán való előadásra emlékeztető hangulatot idézi elő, miközben hűen követi Bartók eredeti zenei jelzéseit.

Product Features

Key Details

  • Authentic Transcription:
    Transcribed by Szeszler Tibor, the arrangement maintains the original tempo, harmonic structure, and dynamics indicated by Bartók.

  • Educational Series:
    As a part of the "Bartók Transcriptions for Music Students" series, this edition is designed to meet strict aesthetic and pedagogical standards, making it ideal for introducing students to Bartók’s approach to folk music.

  • Instrumental Setting:
    Originally conceived with piano accompaniment, the folksongs are freshly presented for oboe and piano, providing players with an opportunity to explore the lyrical and expressive qualities of the oboe within Bartók’s folk-inspired harmonies.

  • Compact and Accessible:
    With only 8 pages in the classic Bach format (23 x 30,2 cm) and a lightweight design (0.057 kg), this edition is perfect for classroom use, rehearsals, and small ensemble performances.

Long-tail keywords: Bartók Three Folksongs from Csík oboe piano, Bartók transcriptions for music students, Hungarian folksongs Bartók, Szeszler Tibor Bartók arrangement, 20th-century folk music transcription

Interesting Facts

  • Historical Collection:
    Beginning in 1906, Bartók embarked on regular folksong collecting. On his first Transylvanian journey in 1907, he documented three melodies from Gyergyótekerőpatak in Csík, showcasing his deep connection to regional folk traditions.

  • Original Instrumentation:
    The melodies were originally performed on a peasant flute by a sixty-year-old man, an authentic touch that signifies the raw and untouched quality of the folk theme.

  • Pedagogical Purpose:
    Although these folksongs were initially arranged for solo piano (as evidenced in "Three Hungarian Folksongs from Csík"), this transcription for oboe and piano is tailored for music students, preserving every nuanced detail of Bartók’s original intentions.

  • Multilingual Edition:
    The score is provided in Hungarian, with parallel texts in English and German, ensuring accessibility for an international audience of music students and educators.


Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in 1958, this edition of Bartók Béla – Three Folksongs from the County of Csík represents an invaluable resource for both educational purposes and concert performance. It offers a unique insight into Bartók’s early endeavors in folksong collection, ensuring that his legacy continues to inspire future generations of musicians.

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#BartokFolksongs #ThreeFolksongsFromCsiK #SzeszlerTibor #EditioMusicaBudapest #OboeAndPiano #BartokTranscriptions #20thCenturyMusic #HungarianFolkMusic


#BartókNépdalok #HáromCsíkmegyeiNépdal #SzeszlerTibor #EditioMusicaBudapest #OboáraÉsZongorára #BartókÁtiratok #XXszázadiZene #MagyarNépzene


#BartokVolkslieder #DreiVolksliederAusCsiK #SzeszlerTibor #EditioMusicaBudapest #OboeUndKlavier #BartokTranskriptionen #MusikDes20Jahrhunderts #UngarischeVolksmusik*11ylrtx*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODM2ODczLjYw*11ylrtx*_ga*MTkxMjQ2MzkzMi4xNjQxMjk4MTY2*_ga_WS2VZYPC6G*MTY0OTgyOTg1Ny4xMzMuMS4xNjQ5ODM2ODczLjYw

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