
Bartók Béla: Sketches – Vázlatok (Pocket Score)

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Bartók Béla: Sketches – Vázlatok (Pocket Score)

A Pocket Score of Piano Sketches by Béla Bartók

Product Information

  • Item Number (Catalog Number): 1762
  • ISMN: 9790080017623 / 979-0080017623
  • Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
  • Published: 1954
  • Format: Paperback, “Bach” (23 x 30,2 cm)
  • Page Count (Terjedelem): 16 pages
  • Weight: 0.079 kg
  • Setting: Piano (Zongora)
  • Period: 20th Century (XX. század)
  • Languages: English, German
  • Origin: Made in Hungary



Bartók Béla: Sketches (Vázlatok) is a fascinating collection of piano sketches composed between 1908 and 1910 by the renowned Hungarian composer Béla Bartók. As the preface insightfully explains, Bartók likely chose the title "Sketches" because most of these pieces resemble a painter’s preliminary draft—quickly executed creative works that capture the magic of a moment, serving as a creative blueprint for later, larger compositions.

This pocket score, consisting of 16 pages formatted in the “Bach” size (23 x 30,2 cm), presents intimate and spontaneous musical ideas that offer performers a unique glimpse into Bartók’s creative process. The work is an invaluable resource for pianists, music enthusiasts, and scholars who wish to explore the emergence of Bartók’s innovative style during the early years of the 20th century.


Bartók Béla: Vázlatok című kotta lebilincselő gyűjteménye olyan zongorarevélgiáknak, melyeket Bartók Béla 1908 és 1910 között írott. Ahogy az egyik bevezetőben kifejezésre jut, a "Vázlatok" elnevezést talán azért választotta a zeneszerző, mert a művek túlnyomó része olyan, mint egy festő előkészítő vázlata – gyorsan készült, a pillanat varázsát megragadó alkotások, amelyek egy későbbi, nagyobb mű alapjául szolgálnának.

Ez a 16 oldalas kispartitúra, a “Bach” formátumban (23 x 30,2 cm), intim és spontán zenei ötleteket tár fel, így páratlan betekintést enged Bartók alkotási folyamatába. Kiváló forrás zongoristák, zenerajongók és kutatók számára, akik meg kívánják ismerni Bartók úttörő stílusának kialakulását a 20. század elején.

Product Features

  • Intimate Composition:
    A collection of short, swiftly executed piano sketches that capture Bartók’s creative spark.
  • Historical Significance:
    Composed during 1908-1910, these sketches provide insight into the early modern style that would later evolve into his mature works.
  • Compact and Accessible:
    The pocket score is lightweight (0.079 kg) and conveniently sized (23 x 30,2 cm) for study, rehearsal, or scholarly research.
  • Multilingual Presentation:
    Presented in both English and German, making it accessible to an international audience.

Interesting Facts

  1. A Painter’s Sketch in Music:
    Bartók’s choice of title reflects his belief that these pieces are akin to a painter's preliminary sketches—quick, intuitive, and rich in spontaneous creativity.

  2. Early Modern Expression:
    Though brief, the sketches illustrate the formative stages of Bartók’s groundbreaking approach to modern classical music, blending folk influences with innovative harmonic ideas.

  3. Documenting a Creative Process:
    Accompanied by historical commentary (as found in HCD 32525 Bartók New Series Vol. 25 by László Somfai), the work provides a unique window into how fleeting musical moments evolve into full-fledged masterpieces.

Contents / Tartalomjegyzék

English Titles

  1. Portrait of a Girl – No. 1
  2. See-saw, Dickory-daw – No. 2
  3. Lento – No. 3
  4. Non troppo lento – No. 4
  5. Romanian Folksong – No. 5
  6. In Wallachian Style – No. 6
  7. Poco lento – No. 7

Hungarian Titles

  1. Leányi arckép – No. 1
  2. Hinta palinta – No. 2
  3. Lento – No. 3
  4. Non troppo lento – No. 4
  5. Román népdal – No. 5
  6. Oláhos – No. 6
  7. Poco lento – No. 7

Publishers & Credits

Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó, this pocket score represents one of the essential early documents of Béla Bartók’s artistic development. The publisher, renowned for its dedication to preserving Hungarian musical heritage, has rendered these sketches into a clear and inspiring format for modern performers and scholars.

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