Bartók Béla: From Gyergyó / Three folksongs from the county of Csík / Edited by Dille, Denijs / Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó / 1961 / Bartók Béla: Gyergyóból / Három csíkmegyei népdal / Szerkesztette Dille, Denijs
Made in Hungary
Setting: Recorder and piano
Genre: Pedagogical performance pieces
Language: Hungarian, German
Length: 6 pages
Format: A/4
Weight: 0.017 kg
Published: 1961
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 3744
ISMN: 9790080037447 / 979-0080037447
Setting: Recorder and piano
Genre: Pedagogical performance pieces
Language: Hungarian, German
Length: 6 pages
Format: A/4
Weight: 0.017 kg
Published: 1961
Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
Item number: 3744
Contents / Tartalomjegyzék
1. |
2. |
(Poco piu mosso)
3. |
Tempo di marcia