Bartók Béla – Concerto For Orchestra, Divertimento (Audio CD)
Product Information
- UPC: 5991811143725
- Label & Catalog Number: Hungaroton Classic – HCD 11437
- Format: CD, Reissue (Stereo)
- Country: Hungary
- Released: 1995
- Genre: Classical
- Style: Modern
Bartók Béla – Concerto For Orchestra, Divertimento is a reissued audio CD that brings to life two of Bartók Béla’s seminal orchestral works. Conducted by the esteemed Antal Doráti and performed by the Hungarian State Orchestra, this release from Hungaroton Classic offers an immersive listening experience that captures both the innovative spirit and dramatic contrasts of Bartók’s compositions. The Concerto For Orchestra (Sz. 116) unfolds in five evocative movements, while the Divertimento (Sz. 115) delights with its spirited, multi-tempo structure.
Hungarian Translation - Áttekintés
A Bartók Béla – Zenekari Konzert, Divertimento egy újbóli kiadású audio CD, mely életre kelti Bartók Béla két kiemelkedő zeneművét. Antal Doráti karmester irányítása alatt, a Magyar Állami Zenekar előadásában, ez a Hungaroton Classic kiadás magával ragadó élményt kínál, bemutatva Bartók innovatív szellemét és a művek drámai kontrasztjait. A Zenekari Konzert (Sz. 116) öt kifejező tételben bontakozik ki, míg a Divertimento (Sz. 115) változatos tempójú, lendületes hangulatot idéz.
Product Features
Artistic Excellence
- Innovative Composition:
Bartók Béla’s Concerto For Orchestra is renowned for its rich textures and dramatic dialogues between orchestral sections, reflecting the modernist spirit of the 20th century. - Dynamic Divertimento:
The Divertimento complements the concerto with its light-hearted yet intricately structured movements, offering a contrasting yet cohesive musical journey.
Performance & Production
- Conducted by Antal Doráti:
The masterful direction of Antal Doráti brings clarity and energy to every movement, ensuring an engaging interpretation of Bartók’s complex scores. - Hungarian State Orchestra:
Their exceptional performance underpins the recording with vibrant and precise execution, capturing the essence of Bartók’s modern orchestral language. - High-Quality Audio:
Presented in stereo, this reissue delivers a pristine sound quality that reveals every nuance of the orchestral performance.
Additional Keywords
- English:
buy Bartók Concerto For Orchestra CD, modern classical reissue, Hungarian orchestral music, Antal Doráti Bartók, Hungarian State Orchestra performance, 1995 classical music CD, Bartók modern orchestral work - Hungarian:
vásárolj Bartók zenekari koncert CD-t, modern klasszikus újbóli kiadás, magyar zenekari zene, Antal Doráti Bartók, Magyar Állami Zenekar előadás, 1995-ös klasszikus CD, Bartók modern zenemű - German:
Bartók Konzert für Orchester online kaufen, moderne klassische Neuauflage, ungarische Orchestermusik, Antal Doráti Bartók, Ungarisches Staatsorchester, 1995 klassische Musik-CD, Bartók modernes Orchesterwerk
Track Listing
Concerto For Orchestra (Sz. 116) – Total Runtime: 36:51
- I. Introduzione – 9:39
- II. Guioco Delle Coppie – 6:34
- III. Elegia – 6:42
- IV. Internezzo Interrotto – 4:31
- V. Finale – 9:25
Divertimento (Sz. 115) – Total Runtime: 26:27
- I. Allegro Non Troppo – 9:38
- II. Molto Adagio – 9:19
- III. Allegro Assai – 7:30
Performers & Credits
- Composer: Bartók Béla
- Conductor: Antal Doráti
- Orchestra: Hungarian State Orchestra
- Design: Miklós Juhász
- Engineer (Balance): László Csintalan
- Liner Notes: András Batta, Péteri Judit
- Photography: Mariann Reismann
- Recording Producer: András Székely
Published by Hungaroton Classic in 1995, this reissue is a definitive presentation of Bartók Béla’s modern orchestral masterpieces. The meticulous production and performance highlight the enduring influence of Bartók’s innovative style, making this CD a prized acquisition for collectors and classical music enthusiasts alike.
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#BartókZenekariKonzert #ZenekariKonzert #ModernKlasszikus #MagyarÁllamiZenekar #AntalDoráti #HungarotonClassic #BartókÚjbóliKiadás #KlasszikusZene
#BartokKonzertFürOrchester #ModernKlassik #UngarischesStaatsorchester #AntalDoráti #HungarotonClassic #BartokNeuauflage #KlassischeMusik #Orchesterwerk