Baroque and Classicism – 200 Years of Clarinet Music | Sheet Music
Product Information
- Catalog Number: 13971
- ISMN: 9790080139714 / 979-0080139714
- Product Type: Sheet Music
- Title: Baroque and Classicism
- Arranged by: Berkes Kálmán – Kocsis Zoltán
- Setting: Clarinet and Piano
- Series: 200 Years of Clarinet Music
- Genre: Pedagogical Performance Pieces
- Period: Classic
- Language: Hungarian, English, German
- Length: 64 pages
- Format: Bach (23 x 30.2 cm)
- Weight: 0.177 kg
- Published: 1994
- Publisher: Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó
"Baroque and Classicism" presents a refined selection of transcriptions from works by Baroque and Classical masters. Arranged for clarinet and piano, this volume is part of the celebrated series "200 Years of Clarinet Music" and is designed as a pedagogical resource for clarinet students. The pieces, chosen from the works of Johann Sebastian Bach, Georg Friedrich Händel, Franz Joseph Haydn, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Ludwig van Beethoven, have been transcribed by two renowned performing artists—Kocsis Zoltán and Berkes Kálmán—who regularly perform these pieces in concert. Future volumes will further expand the repertoire to include works from the high and late Romantic eras.
Hungarian Translation – Áttekintés
"A Barokk és Klasszika" kiváló válogatást kínál a barokk és klasszikus mesterek műveiből készült átiratokból. A klarinét és zongora számára rendezték meg, és a „200 év klarinétmuzsikája” sorozat része, mely pedagógiai célú előadási darabokat kínál a klarinétos növendékek számára. A darabok között megtalálhatók J. S. Bach, G. F. Händel, F. J. Haydn, W. A. Mozart és L. van Beethoven művei, melyeket Kocsis Zoltán és Berkes Kálmán két neves előadóművész átdolgozott, akik rendszeresen előadják ezeket a műveket. A sorozat további kötetei a nagyromantika és a későromantika korszakából válogatnak majd darabokat.
Product Features
- Repertoire & Arrangement:
• Transcriptions of works by Baroque and Classical masters, adapted for clarinet and piano.
• Includes performance pieces specifically designed to broaden the clarinet repertoire. - Educational Purpose:
• Developed as pedagogical material for clarinet students to build technical proficiency and interpretative skills. - Collaborative Expertise:
• Arranged by the celebrated duo Berkes Kálmán and Kocsis Zoltán, whose interpretations are well-regarded in concert performances. - Multilingual Content:
• The work is presented in Hungarian, English, and German, supporting both local and international music scholarship.
Interesting Facts
- Historical Significance:
• The selected works by Bach, Händel, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven are cornerstones of the Western classical tradition and have significantly influenced instrumental pedagogy. - Performance Legacy:
• The pieces are regularly performed by acclaimed clarinetists, ensuring that the transcription not only preserves historical authenticity but also remains relevant to contemporary performance practice. - Future Expansion:
• Planned subsequent volumes will provide clarinet players with additional material from the Romantic periods, further expanding their artistic and technical repertoire.
Additional Details
- Series Information:
• This volume is the first in a series. Volumes 2 and 3 are planned to feature selections from the high and late Romantic eras, offering an evolving resource for clarinet students. - Design & Format:
• The Bach format (23 x 30.2 cm) provides a classic, clear layout that facilitates both individual study and ensemble rehearsal.
Published by Editio Musica Budapest Zeneműkiadó in 1994. All rights reserved under catalog number 13971 and ISMN 9790080139714 / 979-0080139714.
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#BaroqueAndClassicism #ClarinetMusic #200YearsOfClarinetMusic #PedagogicalMusic #ClassicalRepertoire #BerkesKalmán #KocsisZoltán #EditioMusicaBudapest
Hungarian (Cimkek):
#BarokkÉsKlasszika #Klarinétmuzsika #200ÉvKlarinétmuzsikája #PedagógiaiZene #KlasszikusRepertoár #BerkesKálmán #KocsisZoltán #EditioMusicaBudapest
German (Stichworte):
#BarockUndKlassik #Klarinettenmusik #200JahreKlarinettenmusik #PädagogischeMusik #KlassischesRepertoire #EditioMusicaBudapest