Bárdos Lajos: Prologue – Choral Work for Mixed Voices | Choral Sheet Music
Product Information
- Title: Bárdos Lajos: Prologue
- Alternate Title: Prológus
- Words by: Juhász Gyula
- Product Type: Choral Sheet Music
- Genre: Choral Work
- Language: Hungarian
- Setting: Mixed Voices (Vegyeskar a cappella)
- Instrumentation: SATB
- Difficulty Level: Grade 4
- Duration: 4.3 minutes
- Page Count: 10 pages
- Format: B/5 (17 x 24 cm)
- Publication Date: September 1983
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
- Item Number: 12624
- ISMN: 9790080126240 / 979-0080126240
English Overview
“Bárdos Lajos: Prologue” is an ambitious and contemplative choral work designed for mixed voices in an a cappella setting. With text by Juhász Gyula, this Grade 4 composition unfolds over 10 pages in a B/5 format and lasts approximately 4.3 minutes. The work serves as an introductory piece—a prologue—that sets the stage for a larger musical narrative, inviting performers and listeners alike into a reflective and expressive journey. Its intricate harmonies and rich textures exemplify the depth of 20th-century Hungarian choral artistry, making it a compelling addition to advanced choral repertoires.
Hungarian Overview (Összefoglaló)
„Bárdos Lajos: Prológus” egy ambiciózus és elgondolkodtató kórusmű, melyet vegyeskar számára, a cappella előadásra írtak. Juhász Gyula szövegével ez a 4-es nehézségi fokú darab 10 oldalon bontakozik ki B/5 formátumban, és körülbelül 4,3 perc hosszú. A mű prologusként szolgál, amely megteremti a hangulatot egy nagyobb zenei narratíva előtt, és előhívja mind az előadók, mind a közönség részvételét egy mélyen reflektív és kifejező utazáson. Az összetett harmóniák és gazdag textúrák a 20. századi magyar kórusművészet mélységét tükrözik, így kiváló választás az előrehaladott kórusok repertoárjába.
Product Features
- Detailed Score Presentation:
The work is presented on 10 pages in a clear B/5 format (17 x 24 cm), providing ample space for detailed notation and interpretative markings. - Balanced SATB Arrangement:
Specifically arranged for mixed voices, the score ensures a rich blend of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass lines, allowing for complex and refined harmonic interplay. - Expressive and Reflective:
Designed as a prologue, the piece invites a contemplative performance that sets the tone for subsequent works, engaging both the performers and the audience with its introspective character. - Advanced Difficulty:
With a Grade 4 level, this composition is best suited for advanced choirs capable of handling intricate musical structures and expressive dynamics.
Interesting Facts
- Thematic Introduction:
Serving as a prologue, the work is intended to introduce a broader musical narrative, preparing the listener for what follows in the overall program. - Literary and Musical Fusion:
Juhász Gyula’s text is seamlessly interwoven with Bárdos Lajos’s music, enhancing the piece’s emotional depth and offering a rich interpretative framework for performers. - Historical Context:
First published in September 1983, the work reflects the stylistic trends and spiritual introspection of mid-20th-century Hungarian choral music. - Performance Impact:
The complex harmonic textures and subtle dynamic shifts provide a compelling challenge for choirs, making each performance a unique and deeply engaging experience.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in September 1983. All rights reserved under item number 12624 and ISMN 9790080126240 / 979-0080126240.
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#BárdosLajos #Prologue #ChoralSheetMusic #MixedVoices #SATB #HungarianChoral #UniversalMusicPublishing
Hungarian (Címkék):
#BárdosLajos #Prológus #Kóruskotta #Vegyeskar #MagyarKórus #UniversalMusicPublishing