Bárdos Lajos: Popule meus – Choral Work for Mixed Voices | Music Score
Product Information
- Title: Bárdos Lajos: Popule meus
- Setting: Mixed Voices (Vegyeskar a cappella)
- Instrumentation: SATB
- Genre: Religious Works, Church Music (Vallásos művek, egyházzene)
- Language: Latin
- Grade: 3
- Duration: 6 minutes
- Page Count: 8 pages
- Format: B/5 (17 x 24 cm)
- Weight: 0.013 kg
- Publication Date: 1980
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
- Item Number: 8740
- ISMN: 9790080087404 / 979-0080087404
English Overview
“Bárdos Lajos: Popule meus” is a contemplative sacred choral work set for mixed voices in an a cappella SATB arrangement. Written entirely in Latin, this Grade 3 piece runs for approximately 6 minutes and is presented in a compact 8-page B/5 format. The title, “Popule meus” (meaning “My People”), evokes a call for spiritual reflection and communal devotion, making it a meaningful addition to liturgical services, reflective concerts, or choral meditations.
Hungarian Overview (Összefoglaló)
„Bárdos Lajos: Popule meus” egy elmélkedő, vallásos kórusmű, mely vegyeskar számára készült, a cappella SATB előadásra. A mű teljes egészében latin nyelven íródott, 3-as nehézségi fokú, és körülbelül 6 perc hosszúságú, 8 oldalon, B/5 formátumban jelenik meg. A cím, „Popule meus” („Az én népem”), lelki reflexióra és közösségi odaadásra hív, így ideális választás liturgikus szertartásokhoz, elmélkedő koncertelőadásokhoz vagy kórusmeditációkhoz.
Product Features
- Concise and Portable:
The score is presented in a compact 8-page B/5 format (17 x 24 cm), making it easy to handle during rehearsals and performances. - Balanced SATB Arrangement:
Arranged for mixed voices, the work ensures a clear and harmonious blend of soprano, alto, tenor, and bass parts. - Spiritual Expression:
With its reflective Latin text, “Popule meus” offers a meditative and inspiring musical experience ideal for sacred contexts. - Accessible Difficulty:
As a Grade 3 piece, it is well-suited for intermediate choirs looking to expand their repertoire with meaningful and contemplative music.
Interesting Facts
- Liturgical Heritage:
The title “Popule meus” connects the piece to a long tradition of sacred Latin hymns, inviting both performers and listeners to engage in a spiritual dialogue. - Timeless Appeal:
Composed in 1980, the work’s meditative quality and refined harmonies resonate with both historical and contemporary audiences. - Editorial Excellence:
This edition, published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest, reflects meticulous attention to musical detail, ensuring clarity in notation and faithful adherence to the composer’s intent. - Versatile Application:
Ideal for church services, reflective concerts, and choral meditations, “Popule meus” is a versatile addition to any sacred music program.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in 1980. All rights reserved under item number 8740 and ISMN 9790080087404 / 979-0080087404.
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#BárdosLajos #PopuleMeus #ChoralSheetMusic #MixedVoices #SATB #SacredMusic #UniversalMusicPublishing
Hungarian (Címkék):
#BárdosLajos #PopuleMeus #Kóruskotta #Vegyeskar #SzentZene #UniversalMusicPublishing