Bárdos Lajos: Pange lingua – Choral Work for Upper Voices | Choral Sheet Music
Product Information
- Title: Bárdos Lajos: Pange lingua
- Edited by: Malina János (Közreadta Malina János)
- Product Type: Choral Sheet Music
- Genre: Religious Works, Church Music (Vallásos művek, egyházzene)
- Language: Latin
- Setting: Upper Voices (Egyneműkar a cappella)
- Instrumentation: I, II, III
- Page Count: 2 pages
- Format: A/4
- Publication Date: December 2015
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
- Item Number: 14984
- ISMN: 9790080149843 / 979-0080149843
English Overview
“Bárdos Lajos: Pange lingua” is a sacred choral work set for upper voices in an a cappella arrangement. Edited by Malina János, this concise piece is presented in a 2-page A/4 format and is written entirely in Latin. The title, “Pange lingua,” calls to mind the rich tradition of sacred Latin hymns and liturgical music. With its clear, meditative lines and refined harmonies, this work is an excellent choice for choirs seeking to perform contemplative and inspiring religious repertoire. Its brevity and clarity make it suitable for liturgical services, concert settings, or reflective recitals.
Hungarian Overview (Összefoglaló)
„Bárdos Lajos: Pange lingua” egy vallásos kórusmű, melyet felső hangokra, egyneműkar előadásra írtak a cappella formában. Malina János közreadásában ez a tömör darab 2 A/4 oldalon jelent meg, és teljes egészében latin nyelven szólal meg. A cím, „Pange lingua,” a szent latin himnuszok és egyházzene gazdag hagyományára utal. Tiszta, meditációra ösztönző dallamvonalai és kifinomult harmóniái révén kiváló választás azoknak a kórusoknak, akik elmélkedő, inspiráló vallásos repertoárt keresnek. Művének tömörsége és érthetősége ideálissá teszi liturgikus szolgálatokhoz, koncertelőadásokhoz vagy elmélkedő recitálókhoz.
Product Features
- Concise Format:
The score is presented in a compact 2-page A/4 format, making it easy to manage during rehearsals and performances. - Tailored for Upper Voices:
Arranged for an egyneműkar (unison choir) with parts I, II, and III, the work highlights the purity and blend of the upper vocal range. - Sacred and Meditative:
With its Latin text and refined musical language, “Pange lingua” provides a reflective and inspiring experience, ideal for spiritual gatherings. - Accessible Performance:
Its short duration makes it a perfect addition to liturgical services, reflective concerts, or choral meditations.
Interesting Facts
- Liturgical Heritage:
The title “Pange lingua” connects the work to a long-standing tradition of sacred Latin hymns, invoking the spiritual depth of medieval and Renaissance liturgical music. - Modern Editorial Excellence:
Edited by Malina János, this edition reflects meticulous attention to detail, ensuring clarity in both the musical notation and the overall presentation. - Versatile Usage:
Although brief, the piece’s meditative quality makes it adaptable for various performance contexts, from church services to intimate concert recitals. - Cultural Connection:
As part of the 20th-century sacred music repertoire, this work continues to inspire choirs with its timeless expression of devotion and reverence.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in December 2015. All rights reserved under item number 14984 and ISMN 9790080149843 / 979-0080149843.
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#BárdosLajos #PangeLingua #ChoralSheetMusic #MixedVoices #Egyneműkar #SacredMusic #UniversalMusicPublishing
Hungarian (Címkék):
#BárdosLajos #PangeLingua #Kóruskotta #Egyneműkar #SzentZene #UniversalMusicPublishing