Bárdos Lajos: Munkadal – Choral Work for Upper Voices | Choral Sheet Music
Product Information
- Title: Bárdos Lajos: Munkadal
- Words by: Jankovich Ferenc
- Product Type: Choral Sheet Music
- Genre: Choral Work
- Language: Hungarian
- Setting: Upper Voices (Egyneműkar a cappella)
- Difficulty Level: Grade 1
- Duration: 1.8 minutes
- Page Count: 2 pages
- Format: B/5 (17 x 24 cm)
- Publication Date: September 1964
- Publisher: Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest
- Item Number: 4588
- ISMN: 9790080045886 / 979-0080045886
“Bárdos Lajos: Munkadal” is a delightful and succinct choral work crafted for an upper voices ensemble performing a cappella in a unison (egyneműkar) arrangement. With text by Jankovich Ferenc, this Grade 1 piece has a duration of approximately 1.8 minutes and is presented in a compact 2-page B/5 format. The work, which can be translated as “Work Song,” captures the spirit of labor and camaraderie through its lively melody and straightforward musical language. Ideal for choirs at an intermediate level, “Munkadal” offers an accessible yet charming addition to any concert or educational repertoire.
Hungarian (Összefoglaló):
„Bárdos Lajos: Munkadal” egy bájos és tömör kórusmű, mely egyneműkar előadásra készült a cappella formában. Jankovich Ferenc szövegével ez az 1-es nehézségi fokú darab körülbelül 1,8 percet ölel fel, és egy kompakt, 2 oldalas B/5 formátumban jelent meg. A „Munkadal” címet viselő mű a munka és az összetartozás szellemét ragadja meg élénk dallamával és egyszerű zenei nyelvezetével. Ideális választás középhaladó kórusok számára, így könnyen beilleszthető koncert- és oktatási repertoárba.
Product Features
- Compact and Accessible:
The score’s 2-page B/5 format (17 x 24 cm) makes it extremely portable and easy to learn for both rehearsals and performances. - Tailored for Upper Voices:
Arranged specifically for an egyneműkar (unison choir), the work highlights the purity and blend of upper vocal lines. - Simple yet Expressive:
As a Grade 1 piece, “Munkadal” is designed to be accessible while still conveying a cheerful, work-related spirit through clear melodic contours. - Brief Duration:
With a performance time of 1.8 minutes, the work is perfect for short concert interludes or as part of a medley in choral recitals.
Interesting Facts
- Folk Spirit:
“Munkadal” reflects the tradition of work songs found in Hungarian folk culture, celebrating the collective effort and joyful labor. - Literary Integration:
The text by Jankovich Ferenc adds a meaningful narrative element that underscores the themes of work and diligence. - Educational Value:
Due to its brevity and simplicity, the piece is an excellent tool for developing choral technique and ensemble unity in young or emerging choirs. - Historical Context:
First published in September 1964, this work stands as an example of mid-20th-century Hungarian choral art, appreciated for its clarity and heartfelt expression.
Published by Universal Music Publishing Editio Musica Budapest in September 1964. All rights reserved under item number 4588 and ISMN 9790080045886 / 979-0080045886.
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#BárdosLajos #Munkadal #ChoralSheetMusic #MixedVoices #Egyneműkar #HungarianChoral #UniversalMusicPublishing
Hungarian (Címkék):
#BárdosLajos #Munkadal #Kóruskotta #Egyneműkar #MagyarKórus #UniversalMusicPublishing