Bárányfelhők - gyerekversek by Bartos Erika / Hungarian colorful nursery rhyme book / Hardcover / Móra Könyvkiadó 2018
Hardcover 2020
ISBN: 9786155883118 / 978-6155883118
ISBN-10: 6155883114
PUBLISHER: Szerzői Kiadás
LANGUAGE: Hungarian / Magyar
Tessék végigfutni a rajzos tartalomjegyzék csupa egyszavas címein! Villamosra, trolibuszra, még utcaseprő autóra is kapaszkodhatsz, ha belefáradnál a szemlélődésbe. Hernyó, Csacsi, Tücsök, Szarvasbogár...
Bartos Erika (Budapest, 1974. február 7.–) magyar író, építészmérnök.
Többek között a Bogyó és Babóca, valamint Anna, Peti és Gergő könyvsorozatok írója. Meséivel megnyugtató, harmonikus világot közvetít, nevéhez sok gyermekkönyv fűződik, történeteit maga illusztrálja. Verseit több zenekar is megzenésítette. Bogyó és Babóca sorozatából rajzfilm is készült, mely a rendszerváltás óta az első magyar animációs mesesorozat. Pályája kezdetétől fogva aktívan foglalkozik speciális szükségletű, vagy súlyos betegségben szenvedő gyermekekkel. Művei több nyelven megjelentek, meséinek egy része Braille nyomtatásban és jelnyelven is elérhető.
Erika Bartos, who originally graduated as an architect became a storyteller after the birth of her children. First of all she was only telling stories to her children; later on to the encouragement of her friends and acquaintances she shared them with larger audiences. And it ended up as a great success story. The children's literature of Hungary reviving after the change of the system was given a boost by her by pointing out that it is possible and it is a must to create for children, who are hungry for stories about them in a modern format. Her books are very special because illustrations and texts are created together, and her books are reflecting a relaxing and balanced world. Her name is linked to several children's books; her most popular fairytales are called Berry and Dolly, furthermore the Ann, Pete and Greg series. She is illustrating all stories herself. Her poetry books are also very popular; several bands set them to music. Her Berry and Dolly series were published in the Czech Republic, Romania, Slovakia, China and Turkey. Kedd Animation Studio based on the series produced a cartoon, which became the most successful Hungarian cartoon of recent years. The animation was granted an award in China; it was screened also at the Tokyo Anime Fair. Sanoma publishing company made available the fairytale series on iPad application. Erika Bartos received several Hungarian and foreign acknowledgments and special prices; she became the most successful Hungarian storybook writer and illustrator of the last decade. She has remained loyal to her original architectural background; her storybook series entitled Hoppie's Tales introduces Hungarian architecture in children's language.