
Az orvosszentek üzenete képekben SZENT KOZMA ÉS DAMJÁN / SAINT COSMAS AND DAMIAN Messages of Physician Saints in Pictures / Langer Róbert & Vértesaljai László / Hardcover

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Az orvosszentek üzenete képekben SZENT KOZMA ÉS DAMJÁN / SAINT COSMAS AND DAMIAN Messages of Physician Saints in Pictures / Langer Róbert & Vértesaljai László / Hardcover

ISBN-13: 9789633311981 / 978-9633311981

Pages 120

Printed in Hungary 

Bilingual English - Hungarian Book


Saint Cosmas and Domain – Messages of Physician Saints in Pictures

Szent Kozma és Damján történetéről és arról, hogy a Szent Koronán is ábrázolták őket tanítómesteremtől, Perner professzortól hallottam medikus koromban egy előadás kapcsán. Akkor már tudtam, hogy sebész szeretnék lenni, de azt, hogy később Perner professzor klinikáján a szervátültetéssel fogok foglalkozni, még nem sejtettem. Egy emberöltővel később pedig, amikor a Professzor Úr Szent Kozma és Damján kitüntetésben részesült, egy előadást tartottam a magyar vonatkozású emlékekről.

A könyv ebből az előadásból indult, és mint látható a téma számos vonatkozásának tárgyalásáig jutott. Abban a szerencsében volt részünk a páratlan esztétikai kivitelezést megvalósító Táncos László igazgató úrral, hogy két kitűnő embert nyerhettünk meg az ügynek. Vértesaljai László atya személye révén az egyházi vonatkozásokról kaptunk olyan mélységben betekintést a szentek életéről, mely a szokványos kultúrtörténeti adatokon messze túlmutat. Lányi J. pedig hosszú évek óta lelkesen keresi a hazai emlékeket és örökíti meg lencséjével az ikerszentek ábrázolásait.

A jelen kötet ennek a négyesfogatnak a munkája, kívánom, hogy az olvasónak is legalább annyi intellektuális örömöt okozzon, mint a szerzőknek. (Langer Róbert)


Robert Langer, a professor of surgery was born in 1966 in an old Sopron-based family. He received his M. D. degree in 1992 at Semmelweis University. He started to deal with abdominal surgery and organ transplantation during his two-year postgraduate grant in Heidelberg. He got his board exam in surgery upon his return to his alma mater at the Department of Transplantation and Surgery lead by Professor Ferenc Perner. After a three year U.S. fellowship, he received his Ph. D. degree in Budapest and started the combined pancreas-kidney and islet cell transplantation program. In 2009 he was appointed the Head of the Department, two years later the Vice-Rector of Semmelweis University. With his wife, Krisztina Varga M. D., they are the happy parents of four children.

László Vértesaljai, a Jesuit priest was born in 1953 in the upper hills of Lake Balaton. He first studied chemical engineering, then theology, was consecrated as a priest in 1982 and entered the Jesuit Order ten years later. He studied and worked for 13 years in Rome at the Vatican Radio. His art history studies were completed at Gregory University in Rome, mainly in the field of ancient Christian iconography. According to the oppor- tunities given by the place-genius loci-he walked around, observed and marvelled at the art of Italy and the Mediterraneum, from Knossos to the present days. He is a theologian, engineer, esthetist. He is interested in the "whole" as a kind of organic universalism according to Leonardo. Because of that he feels that his mission is, instead of a closed art analysis, trying to solve the useful and sometimes unbearable messages of the great human works as the Whole and One in the width of creation and salvation according to the famous Hungarian poet, Pilinszky.


  • Szerzők / Szerkesztők: Langer Róbert, Vértesaljai László
  • Oldalszám: 120
  • Kiadás éve: 2011
  • ISBN: 9789633311981
  • Méret: 200x220
  • Kötés: Keménytáblás, matt fólia
  • Nyelvek: Magyar-Angol, Hungarian and English
  • Kiadó: Semmelweis Kiadó és Multimédia Stúdió


The first time I heard about the story of the Saints Cosmas and Damian, and that their pictures are on the Hungarian Holy Crown, was from a lecture of my master teacher Professor Perner when I was a medical student. At that time I already knew that I would like to become a surgeon, but that one day I would work at Professor Pemer's department as a transplant surgeon, I had not imagined. Twenty five years later when he was honored by The Cosmas and Damian Award I held a lecture about the Hungarian relationship to the twin saints. The book which is in the hands of the Distinguished Reader started from this paper and as you can see, has expanded into this detailed document of the topic. We had the luck with Director László Táncos, who created the fantastic esthetic design, to gain two enthusiastic men for the cause. Through Father László Vértesaljai we got insight into the lives of the saints from the point of view of the church, which shows much more than the usual history of culture. Since long ago József Lingi has been searching for the Hungarian memories of the twin saints and has taken pictures with his lenses of their portrayals. The present book is the work of this four-man team. I wish the reader as much intellectual fun as the authors had with it.
Robert Langer
Budapest, September 2011, when the German folk calendar says: "On the day of Cosmas and Damian the leaves start to get colors"







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