Az igazi szőlőtő - Bibliai áhítatok a hónap minden napjára by Andrew Murray
Hungarian Translation of The True Vine
Az igazi szőlőtő - Bibliai áhítatok a hónap minden napjára by Andrew Murray is a deeply spiritual collection of biblical devotions, offering daily reflections for each day of the month. This book is based on the teaching of Jesus from John 15: "No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine." Murray emphasizes the absolute dependence of the branch (believers) on the Vine (Christ), explaining that as the Vine supplies all necessary care and nourishment, the branch’s responsibility is simply to remain in Him and bear fruit.
Written in a clear and accessible style, Murray’s devotions aim to make God’s Word understandable for all who seek to listen. Through his practical and insightful reflections, he addresses the vital importance of abiding in Christ, working for Him, and resting in His provision. This devotional is a source of encouragement and spiritual renewal for both new believers and those seeking to deepen their faith.
Product Features
- Format: Paperback
- Pages: 148
- Publisher: Evangéliumi
- ISBN-13: 9788081580284
- Language: Hungarian
About the Author
Andrew Murray (1828–1917) was a South African writer, pastor, and Christian teacher known for his deep spiritual insight and passion for missions. Murray believed that the ultimate purpose of the church was to spread the Gospel, and he dedicated his life to equipping believers to abide fully in Christ. His many books, sermons, and devotions continue to inspire Christians around the world, particularly with their emphasis on prayer, holiness, and total dependence on God.
Hungarian Summary
Az Az igazi szőlőtő című könyv bibliai áhítatok gyűjteménye, amely a hónap minden napjára szóló lelki táplálékot nyújt. Murray alapvető tanítása János evangéliumának 15. fejezetén alapul: „Ahogyan a szőlővessző nem teremhet gyümölcsöt magától, ha nem marad a szőlőtőn, úgy ti sem, ha nem maradtok énbennem.” A könyv rávilágít arra, hogy a hívők életében a Krisztussal való kapcsolat alapvető fontosságú, hiszen csak belőle meríthetjük azokat a lelki erőforrásokat, amelyek szükségesek a gyümölcsöző élethez.
Murray egyszerű, mégis mély tanításai könnyen érthetővé teszik Isten Igéjét mindenki számára, aki nyitott szívvel fogadja. Az áhítatok célja, hogy segítsenek a hívőknek elmélyülni Krisztusban, és mindennapi életük során is ráhagyatkozni. Ez a könyv nagyszerű eszköz mindazok számára, akik szeretnének jobban megérteni és gyakorolni az Úrban való megmaradást.
English Summary
The True Vine is a simple yet profound collection of daily devotions, one for each day of the month, based on the teachings of John 15: "No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine." Andrew Murray emphasizes the need for believers to abide in Christ, as He is the sole provider for their spiritual growth and fruitfulness. The branch’s only task is to remain connected to the Vine, receiving all necessary care and nourishment.
Murray's devotions are written in a way that makes God's Word clear and approachable for all readers. His passion for reaching the underprivileged and young of his generation through straightforward preaching and writing has transcended time, making his teachings just as relevant today. This devotional encourages believers to work for Christ while resting in His perfect provision.
Interesting Facts
Andrew Murray’s Global Influence:
Though Andrew Murray lived in South Africa, his teachings on abiding in Christ have had a worldwide impact. His focus on prayer, holiness, and total dependence on God resonates across cultures and generations. -
Timeless Teachings:
Despite being written over a century ago, Murray’s insights into the Christian life, especially his focus on remaining in Christ, are still highly applicable and valuable for believers today.
- Publisher: Evangéliumi
- Publication Year: 2016
- Language: Hungarian
We invite you to explore the deep spiritual truths presented in Az igazi szőlőtő, and share your reflections on these life-changing devotions.
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