Az én evangéliumom szerint: Mit mondott Pál apostol valójában?
by Tom Wright (Hungarian Translation of What Saint Paul Really Said)
ISBN: 9789635583966 / 978-9635583966
ISBN-10: 9635583966
Pages: 216
Publisher: KÁLVIN (2018)
Format: Paperback
About the Author
Nicholas Thomas Wright (N. T. Wright or Tom Wright) is a renowned New Testament scholar, Pauline theologian, and retired Anglican bishop. Born in 1948, Wright has made significant contributions to biblical scholarship, particularly in understanding the life and teachings of the Apostle Paul. Wright held the position of Bishop of Durham from 2003 to 2010, and later became Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at the University of St Andrews, Scotland. As the author of over seventy books, his works are regarded as essential readings in academic and theological circles. Wright’s extensive work on Christian origins and the historical Jesus, particularly in The Resurrection of the Son of God and Paul and the Faithfulness of God, has shaped contemporary Christian thought.
Hungarian Summary
Tom Wright (N. T. Wright) könyve, Az én evangéliumom szerint, a kortárs teológia egyik kiemelkedő alkotása, amely Pál apostol tanításának jelentőségét vizsgálja. A szerző részletesen bemutatja, hogy mit mondott Pál valójában, és megkérdőjelezi a hagyományos teológiai megközelítéseket. Különösen a megigazulás kérdését helyezi új fénybe, bemutatva, hogy Pál apostol középponti tanítása nem kizárólag a hit általi megigazulás volt, hanem az evangélium üzenete, vagyis Jézus halálának és feltámadásának örömhíre. Wright Pál megtérése előtti és utáni életének összefüggéseit tárja fel, érvelve amellett, hogy Pál teológiája Jézus Krisztus uralmából fakadó következtetéseken alapszik.
English Summary
In What Saint Paul Really Said, N. T. Wright offers a clear and concise exploration of the apostle Paul's theology, especially in light of the New Testament's teachings. Wright disputes the claim made by some scholars that Paul was the true founder of Christianity. Instead, he demonstrates that Paul’s gospel centered on Jesus as Israel’s Messiah and Lord, crucified and risen. Wright brings out the nuances of Paul’s theology, showing that it was deeply rooted in the message of Jesus’ death, resurrection, and the establishment of His kingdom, rather than a mere emphasis on justification by faith alone. This book provides an essential reevaluation of Paul’s impact on Christian thought and the development of the early church.
Key Themes
- Paul’s Gospel: Wright refutes the idea that Paul invented Christianity, showing that Paul’s teachings consistently pointed to Jesus of Nazareth as the Messiah and King.
- Justification: The book offers a fresh take on the doctrine of justification, challenging traditional views and highlighting the broader message of the gospel.
- Paul’s Life: A look into Paul’s life before and after his conversion, revealing how his experience shaped his theology.
- Christ as Lord: A central theme in Paul’s teachings is the exaltation of Christ, which forms the basis of Paul’s theological conclusions.
Product Features
- In-Depth Analysis: Offers a scholarly yet accessible discussion of Paul’s life and teachings.
- Challenging Traditional Views: Wright challenges long-held assumptions about Paul’s theology, particularly concerning justification.
- Focus on the Gospel: Emphasizes the centrality of the gospel message in Paul’s writings, rooted in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- For Both Scholars and General Readers: Written for a wide audience, appealing to both academic readers and those interested in deepening their understanding of New Testament theology.
#TomWright #PálApostol #WhatSaintPaulReallySaid #ChristianTheology #BiblicalScholarship #PaulineTheology #ChristianOrigins #JustificationByFaith #HungarianTranslation #KeresztényIrodalom