Az Első Gyermekbibliám by Anne de Graaf / Hungarian Translation of The Children's Bible / Illustrations by José Pérez Montero
Hardcover 2006
ISBN: 9789638725714 / 978-9638725714
ISBN-10: 9638725710
PAGES: 256
Translators: Belucz Edina, Sebestyén Gábor
Proofreading: Géczi Mirjam
Design by Tomas Helmich-Olesen
Prepress: Károlyné Őr Erzsébet
Hungarian Summary:
A Biblia örök igazságait, erkölcsi tanulságait egyszerűen, gyermeki módon, szép képekkel illusztrálva mutatja be ez a könyv. Életre kelti a történelem eseményeit és szereplőit, időrendi sorba rendezve a teremtéstől egészen az apostolok munkásságáig, hogy szemléltesse Isten milyen szeretettel viszonyul hozzánk. Jézus maga mondja: "Engedjétek hozzám a kisgyermekeket".
A könyvek Könyvének megismerését nem lehet elég korán kezdeni. Először a szülők által mesélve, aztán már saját olvasmányként ismerkedhetnek a gyermekek a világtörténelem legkelendőbb könyvével. Örökké megmaradó érték!
English Summary:
The Children's Bible Story Book has been a best-selling title for years. Tommy Nelson is re-releasing this popular title with a new, brighter cover. Nearly 300 action packed stories make all the favorite Bible characters spring to life.
A chronological introduction to nearly three hundred stories from the Bible, including both Old and New Testament excerpts, combines large print, colorful illustrations, and easy-to-grasp adaptations for young readers.
About the Author:
Anne de Graaf (born 1959) is an American-born Dutch academic, diversity advocate and is an award-winning author of over 80 books, with 5 million sold worldwide. She has won the International Historical Fiction Christy Award in 2000 for Out of the Red Shadow, the final book of her Hidden Harvest series, and the East European Christian Children's Book Award in 2007 for Dance Upon the Sea Anne de Graaf currently teaches Human Rights and Human Security; and Peace Lab at Amsterdam University College and serves as the Chief Diversity Officer at the University of Amsterdam.
Anne de Graaf was born in San Francisco, graduated from Stanford University, and received her PhD in International Relations from the University of St. Andrews. Her doctoral thesis, Speaking Peace Into Being: Voice, Youth And Agency In a Deeply Divided Society, focused on the impact of the youth in post-conflict nations. Anne has lived in Ireland and the Netherlands with her husband and their two children. Besides her work as an author, lecturer and Chief Diversity Officer, de Graaf has also worked as a journalist for the Dutch National Press Club, and as an economics translator for the Dutch government. She is a member of the British Society of Authors in London and the Rotary Club Westland-Polanen in The Netherlands.
José Pérez Montero (b.1941) is a Spanish artist. Painter, internationally known in particular for his illustrations of children's books.