
Attila Bozay - The Five Last Scenes = Az ot utolso szin / Attila Bozay Foundation 2x Audio CD 2003 Stereo / BR 0254-55

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Attila Bozay - The Five Last Scenes = Az ot utolso szin / Attila Bozay Foundation 2x Audio CD 2003 Stereo 

BR 0254-55 

Made in Hungary

TOTAL TIME: 45:44 + 76:15 (2 DISCS) 

UPC 5998168599892

Product Details:

  • Label: Attila Bozay Foundation – BR 0254-55
  • Format: 2 x CD, Album
  • Country: Hungary
  • Released: 2003
  • Genre: Classical
  • Style: Opera


The Five Last Scenes (Az öt utolsó szín) by Attila Bozay is an evocative operatic composition that delves into profound human themes of life, death, and the transcendence of the soul. This two-CD set presents the full opera in a stunning live recording by the Hungarian State Orchestra and Chorus, conducted by Ádám Medveczky. The opera, deeply influenced by Bozay’s unique blend of contemporary and classical elements, is divided into three acts, capturing a journey through haunting and powerful musical landscapes. The intense emotional depth of the work is complemented by the rich voices of the Hungarian State Chorus, under the direction of Anikó Katona. This recording offers an immersive experience for classical music enthusiasts and opera lovers alike.

Interesting Facts

  • Attila Bozay was a Hungarian composer known for his contributions to both contemporary classical music and opera. His works often explore complex philosophical and spiritual themes.
  • The Five Last Scenes was composed in the early 2000s and is regarded as one of Bozay’s major operatic achievements, reflecting his musical evolution and artistic vision.
  • The opera’s subject matter is deeply rooted in existential themes, contemplating the final moments of life and the nature of existence through vivid musical storytelling.
  • The Hungarian State Orchestra, conducted by Ádám Medveczky, brings a stunning richness and energy to the performance, with the choir adding emotional intensity to each act.
  • Anikó Katona, a respected choir master, ensures the chorus's performance is both technically precise and emotionally compelling, enhancing the opera’s dramatic impact.


Track Listing

CD 1 – 45:44

  • 1-13. Act I

CD 2 – 76:15

  • 1-8. Act 2
  • 9-16. Act 3


Key Credits

  • Orchestra and Choir: Hungarian State Orchestra & Chorus
  • Chorus Master: Anikó Katona
  • Conducted by: Ádám Medveczky



CD 1

I. felvonás

1. No. 1 Prologo 

2. Zúg az élet tengerárja = Life's an ocean ; Ez az, amiért mindig epedtem... = This is the world...

3. No. 2 Variazioni

4. Csak erre, erre, kedves jó urak = This way, this way ; Aki munkás hét után = A worker when his week is done

5. No. 3 Rondo + 6. Oh, Lucifer! Ily hitvány helyen tartasz le = Ah Lucifer! Just look, while you intist

7. Oh, szent költészet = O poetry, are you to disappear

8. El velük. = Away with them!

9. Félre az útból! = Get out of my way

10. Vehetne ön vásárfiát nekem = You could buy me a little present

11. Siessünk = Harry up! ; Istenem, mi ez? = What's this?

12. No. 4 Duetto - Dialogo ; Ismét csalódtam = More disillusion

13. No. 5 Danse macabre - Finale ; Csak rajta = Dug on, dug on


CD 2

II. felvonás

1. No. 1 Introduzione: Mi ország ez? = Where are we now?

2. No. 2 Concersazione: Szóljunk be a tudóshoz = Let's speak to this scientist

3. No. 3 Arioso e discussione: Ez eszme nálunk a megélhetés = The ideal that binds our people is subsistence

4. No. 4 Scena I.: Mit jelent ez? = What does that bell mean?

5. No. 5 Scena II.: Ma két gyerek tölté... = Today two children have outgrown...

6. Ne szánjatok = Don't pity us!

7. No. 6 Finale: Őrült röptünk = How furiously we have flown

8. Élek megint = I live again


III. felvonás

9. No. 1 Aria: Mit járjuk ezt... = Why must we roam this

10. No. 2 Scena III.: Léteznek hát mégis... = And do the gods still live above?

11. Sokan tengődtök-é még e vidéken? = Are many of you living in this district?

12. No. 3 Coro e Duetto: Körültem minden úgy él = The world around me smiles

13. No. 4 Terzetto: Mily badar beszéd! = What nonsense you do talk!

14. No. 5 Conclusione: A porba, szellem! = And you, spirit...

15. Nagyság s erény lesznek tehát vezérid = Nobility and virtue guide your steps

16. Szabadon bűn s erény közt = To make free choice of vice or virtue


Conducted by Ádám Medveczky

Magyar Állami Operaház Zenekara és Énekkara


Attila B. Kiss (Ádám) ;

Mónika González (Éva) ;

Attila Réti (Lucifer) ;

Csaba Airizer (az Úr) ;

László Bárány Paál (Lovel, aggastyán) ;

József Pető (tudós) ;

Antal Pataki (Negle) ;

Ferenc Gerdesits (eszkimó) ;

Judith Németh (a Föld szelleme) ;

Katalin Mészöly (cigányasszony) ;

Gábor Németh (bábjátékos) ;

Lászl Szvétek (korcsmáros) ;

István Berczelly (Luther) ;

Bence Asztalos (zenész) ;

Gábor Csíki (Cassius) ;

Zsolt Molnár (katona) ;

Erzsébet Pele (Éva anyja) ;

Ildikó Cserna (kéjhölgy) ;

Gábor Jenny (ékszerárus) ;

Lucia Megyesi Schwartz (virágárus leány) ;

Gábor Csíki, Zoltán G. Tóth (két mesterlegény) ;

Imre Ambrus, Attila Bura (két gyáros) ;

Imre Szilágyi, Géza Klucsik (két koldus) ;

Györgyi Láng (Anya) ;

Ágnes Turpinszky (leány) ;

Magda Adamovits, Lívia Buváry (polgárlányok) ;

György Derzsi, Sándor Bartus, Ferenc Anger, Péter Illés, Richárd Rest, Ferenc Kozári (tanulók)



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