Áriák - R. Wagner: Tannhäuser es Walkür - Svéd Sándor enekel, az Allami Operahaz Zenekarat Es Az Allami Ferfikart, H. Abendroth es Komor Vilmos vezenylik / Qualiton LP 1959
HLP MK 1503
Product Details:
- Label: Qualiton
- Format: Vinyl, LP
- Country: Hungary
- Released: 1959
- Genre: Classical
- Style: Opera
This vinyl LP, "Áriák - R. Wagner: Tannhäuser es Walkür," features baritone Svéd Sándor performing arias from Richard Wagner's operas "Tannhäuser" and "Walkür." The album includes orchestral accompaniment by the Állami Operaház Zenekara and choral performances by the Állami Férfikara, conducted by Komor Vilmos and Hermann Abendroth.
Interesting Facts:
- "Tannhäuser" is an opera by Richard Wagner, first performed in 1845.
- "Walkür" is the second opera in Wagner's "Der Ring des Nibelungen" cycle.
- The album showcases Svéd Sándor's vocal talents in these iconic operatic roles.
Track Listing:
- Side A:
- Dal Az Esthajnal Csillaghoz (Tannhäuser)
- Wolfram Versenydala (Tannhäuser)
- Zarándokok Dala (Tannhäuser)
- Side B:
- Wotan Búcsúja (Walkür)
- Tűzvarázs (Walkür)
Key Credits:
- Baritone Vocals: Svéd Sándor
- Orchestra: Állami Operaház Zenekara
- Choir: Állami Férfikara
- Conductors:
- Komor Vilmos (Tannhäuser)
- Hermann Abendroth (Walkür)
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