Aranyköpések - Diákok 1265 humoros mondása tantárgyak szerint
ISBN-13: 9789634094258 / 978-9634094258
Product Features:
- Title: Aranyköpések
- Subtitle: Diákok 1265 humoros mondása tantárgyak szerint
- Editor: Sümeginé dr. Tóth Piroska
- Publisher: Tinta Könyvkiadó
- ISBN: 9789634094258
- Language: Hungarian
- Pages: 116
- Binding: Softcover
- Format: A/5
- Series Number: 95
"Aranyköpések," edited by Sümeginé dr. Tóth Piroska and published by Tinta Könyvkiadó, is a delightful compilation of 1265 humorous quotes and errors made by students across various subjects. The book is a collection of amusing mistakes and misunderstandings gathered over a long teaching career from essays, final exams, and entrance exams. Originally featured on the Tinta Könyvkiadó's Anya-nyelv-csavar blog in 42 entries, this collection is now organized thematically for easy browsing.
The quotes cover a wide range of subjects, with the majority relating to literature, both Hungarian and foreign poets and authors, and their works. For instance, students mistakenly wrote, "Tóth Árpád wrote in a happiness-excluding style," or "Ady could not become the nation's Sándor." Other subjects also provide surprising associations:
- Biology: "Insects have tasteless legs."
- History: "The ancient homeland was between the Kama and Sutra rivers. Blind Béla saw through the sieve when dealing with the nobles. Julius Caesar was killed by the March Idus."
- Mathematics: "One-sided geometric shapes are not squares."
This book aims to bring laughter and reflection to educators, students, and readers alike, offering a humorous perspective on the learning process.
Interesting Facts:
- Educational Insight: The collection serves as a reflection on the teaching process, highlighting common student misunderstandings and encouraging more precise thinking and expression.
- Broad Appeal: The humorous content appeals to a wide audience, providing entertainment while also offering a glimpse into the challenges of education.
- Blog Origin: The material was first published as a series of blog posts, reflecting its grassroots appeal and popularity.
Key Quotes:
- "Tóth Árpád wrote in a happiness-excluding style."
- "The ancient homeland was between the Kama and Sutra rivers."
- "One-sided geometric shapes are not squares."
Key Credits:
- Editor: Sümeginé dr. Tóth Piroska
- Publisher: Tinta Könyvkiadó