AMEN. – A Powerful Adaptation of Rolf Hochhuth’s "The Representative" DVD
Made in Turkey
"AMEN." is a gripping historical drama directed by the acclaimed Costa-Gavras, based on Rolf Hochhuth’s controversial novel The Representative. The film delves into the moral complexities of World War II, focusing on two men who grapple with their consciences amidst the horrors of the Holocaust. On one side is Kurt Gerstein (played by Ulrich Tukur), a real-life chemist and SS officer who supplied Zyklon B gas to concentration camps but also tried to alert the Vatican and Allied forces about the atrocities. On the other side is Riccardo (played by Mathieu Kassovitz), a young Catholic priest determined to break the silence of the Church hierarchy. Together, they confront the ethical dilemmas of complicity, responsibility, and the courage to act in the face of evil.
Product Features
- Format: DVD
- Length: 125 minutes
- Aspect Ratio: Widescreen 1.85:1 (PAL)
- Subtitles: Turkish, French, English
- Audio Options:
- Turkish DD 5.1 Surround Sound
- French DD 5.1 Surround Sound
- Disc Type: Single-sided, dual-layer DVD
- Region: PAL
Interesting Facts
- Historical Context: The film is inspired by true events, particularly the actions of Kurt Gerstein, whose efforts to expose Nazi crimes were met with indifference from both the Vatican and Allied powers.
- Acclaimed Director: Costa-Gavras, known for his politically charged films like Z and Missing, brings his signature style to this thought-provoking exploration of morality and accountability.
- Star-Studded Cast: Featuring Ulrich Tukur (The Lives of Others) and Mathieu Kassovitz (La Haine), the film benefits from powerful performances that bring its complex characters to life.
- Moral Dilemmas: "AMEN." challenges viewers to reflect on the ethical responsibilities of individuals and institutions during times of crisis.
- Awards Recognition: The film received critical acclaim for its storytelling, direction, and performances, solidifying its place as a significant work of historical cinema.
Track Listing
- Main Feature: "AMEN." – Full-length film (125 minutes)
- Languages: Turkish, French (both in 5.1 Surround Sound)
- Subtitles: Turkish, French, English
Bonus Features / Extrák
- Behind-the-Scenes Footage: Insights into the making of the film, including interviews with Costa-Gavras and key cast members.
- Historical Context: Documentaries exploring the real-life events and figures depicted in the film.
- Trailers: Official trailers and promotional materials.
Published by Fono Film, Turkey.
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#WorldWarII #HolocaustFilm #CostaGavras #UlrichTukur #MathieuKassovitz #TurkishDVD #HistoricalDrama
Türkçe Çeviri / Turkish Translation
Genel Bakış
"AMEN." ünlü yönetmen Costa-Gavras tarafından çekilen ve Rolf Hochhuth’un tartışmalı romanı The Representative’den uyarlanan etkileyici bir tarihî dramadır. Film, II. Dünya Savaşı sırasındaki ahlaki karmaşıklıkları ele alır ve Holokost’un dehşeti karşısında vicdanlarıyla mücadele eden iki adamın hikayesini anlatır. Bir yanda, konsantrasyon kamplarına Zyklon B gazı sağlayan ancak aynı zamanda Vatikan ve Müttefik güçleri bu konuda uyarmaya çalışan gerçek hayat şahsiyeti Kurt Gerstein (Ulrich Tukur) yer alır. Diğer yanda ise Kilise hiyerarşisinin sessizliğini bozmaya kararlı genç bir papaz olan Riccardo (Mathieu Kassovitz) bulunur. İki adam da suç ortaklığı, sorumluluk ve kötülüğe karşı cesaretle mücadele etme konusundaki ahlaki ikilemlerle yüzleşir.
İlginç Bilgiler
- Tarihî Bağlam: Film, Kurt Gerstein’in gerçek hayat olaylarından esinlenmiştir. Gerstein’in Nazilerin vahşetlerini ortaya çıkarma çabaları hem Vatikan hem de Müttefik güçler tarafından görmezden gelinmiştir.
- Ödülü Yönetmen: Costa-Gavras, Z ve Missing gibi politik filmleriyle tanınan yönetmen, bu düşündürücü yapıtla ahlak ve hesap verebilirlik üzerine derin bir inceleme sunmaktadır.
#II.DünyaSavaşı #HolokostFilm #CostaGavras #UlrichTukur #MathieuKassovitz #TürkçeDVD #TarihîDrama