Agatha Christie's Poirot - Murder in Mesopotamia DVD 2002 Poirot - Gyilkosság Mezopotámiában / Directed by Tom Clegg / Starring: David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Barbara Barnes
UPC 5999546330694
AUDIO: English 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
Subtitles: English, Hungarian
English Summary:
While Poirot is on holiday in Iraq, the wife of the head scientist at an archaeological dig confides to him that she is the target of threatening letters
Murder in Mesopotamia was adapted as an episode for the series Agatha Christie's Poirot on 2 June 2002. It starred David Suchet as Hercule Poirot, and was filmed on location at the Hotel Casino in Hammam Lif and on the Uthina Archaeological site, both in Tunisia. While it remained faithful to the main plot elements of the novel, including the murder, the motive, and the denouement, the adaptation made a number of changes:
- The characters of Dr Giles Reilly, Mr Reiter and David Emmott, are omitted.
- Two characters are given minor changes: Bill Coleman's first name is changed to William; Sheila Reilly becomes Captain Maitland's daughter - her surname is changed as a result, while her character is more pleasant.
- The character of Captain Hastings is added - apart from being Poirot's assistant in the case, relegating Amy Leatheran to being another suspect in the case, he is also the uncle of William Coleman, whom he is visiting.
- Poirot is in Iraq mainly to meet with Countess Vera Rossakoff, after receiving a telegram from her asking for his help; she has already left by the time he arrives, and he is only made aware of this via a telephone message he receives when the case is solved.
- Poirot visits the archaeological dig when he arrives, and so meets with Louise when she is alive - as a result, he learns about her first marriage and the letters she received from her directly, and not through Amy.
- Joseph Mercado's drug addiction is much stronger in tone - he murders his supplier before Poirot arrives to see the dig site, and later commits suicide out of guilt.
- Raoul Menier and Ali Yusuf are not identified when the theft of artefacts is exposed. Both men are also not arrested; Poirot mainly informs Captain Maitland to have the border posts keep a look out for them.
Hungarian Summary:
Furcsa véletlen, hogy Poirot egy mezopotámiai régészeti ásatás főhadiszállásán fut össze régi barátjával, Hastings kapitánnyal. Baljós előjel, hogy pont ezen a helyen találtak rá nemrégiben egy meggyilkolt arab munkás holttestére. Az iraki sivatag közepén folyó ásatásokat az ismert amerikai archeológus, Dr. Leidner vezeti, aki maga köré gyűjtötte legjobb barátait és munkatársait. Egyik éjjel Dr. Leidner ifjú és gyönyörű felesége sikoltozva ébred: furcsa zajokról és egy titokzatos arcról mesél, amely megjelent az ablakában. Az asszony bevallja Poirotnak, hogy évek óta félelemben él halottnak hitt férje fenyegető levelei miatt. Sajnos a félelmek nem is alaptalanok: Madame Leidnert nem sokkal később holtan találják a hálószobájában. Az ásatáson részt vevők mindegyike potenciális gyanúsított és most Poiroton a sor, hogy ásatást végezzen a lelkek mélyén, ahol csak féltékenységet, rivalizálást és a múlt sötét titkait találja.
Cast / Szereplők:
David Suchet
Hugh Fraser
Ron Berglas
Barbara Barnes
Dinah Stabb
Jeremy Turner-Welch
Iain Mitchell
Pandora Clifford
Georgina Sowerby
Christopher Bowen
Christopher Hunter
Alexi Kaye Campbell
Deborah Poplett
Zouheir Bornaz
Kamel Touati