Agatha Christie's Poirot - Evil under the sun DVD 2001 Poirot - Nyaraló gyilkosok / Directed by Brian Farnham / Starring: David Suchet, Hugh Fraser, Philip Jackson, Pauline Moran
UPC 5999546330687
AUDIO: English 2.0, Hungarian 2.0
Subtitles: English, Hungarian
English Summary:
Poirot’s rehabilitative health retreat on an island resort becomes an even more stimulating mental exercise when a flirtatious film star is found strangled on a nearby beach.
An adaptation of the novel was made for Agatha Christie's Poirot in 2001, starring David Suchet as Hercule Poirot. Filming for this episode mainly took place at the Burgh Island Hotel, Devon, a location which was inspiration for the original novel and And Then There Were None. Much of the plot remained the same as the novel, though the adaptation made a few changes:
- The characters of Carrie and Odell Gardener, Inspector Colgate and Dr Neasdon are omitted.
- The characters of Captain Hastings, Inspector Japp and Miss Lemon are included into the story. Hastings provides assistance in the case; Japp is the investigating officer; Miss Lemon makes inquiries into Alice Corrigan's murder at Poirot's request.
- The hotel is a health retreat under a different name. Poirot is mainly there to recover from ill health, after collapsing during the opening night of a new restaurant; when the case is completed, it is revealed his collapse was from food poisoning caused by the poor standards of hygiene at the restaurant.
- Linda Marshall is changed to a son called Lionel. He is found to be reading a book about poisoning, but doesn't attempt suicide in the course of the investigation.
- Christine does not make a claim that she has a fear of heights; this detail is omitted. She also applies the fake tan and throws out the bottle containing it, before she leaves to join Lionel.
Hungarian Summary:
Ismét itt van Hercule Poirot mester, a kiváló képességű magándetektív, aki jelenleg éppen a dél-angliai Devon-szigetén kúráltatja magát. Az elegáns szállóban népes vendégsereg gyűlt össze. A nyaralók között ott van Kenneth Marshall és ifjú felesége, Arlena Stuart is. A békés idillt úgy tűnik semmi sem zavarja meg, ám ekkor váratlan dolog történik. A tengerparton rábukkannak Arlena Stuart holttestére. Megfojtották. Először úgy tűnik, hogy a gyilkosság indoka féltékenység, hiszen Arlena nyíltan flörtölt a szállóban. Ám hamarosan kiderül, hogy ennél sötétebb titkok rejlenek az ügy hátterében. Mindenki gyanús. Poirot nyomozni kezd...