A Warrior's Journey - Bruce Lee DVD (2000)
Product Information
- UPC: 7321921372759
- Product Type: DVD
- Region: 2 PAL
- Made in: Germany
- Audio: English 5.1, German 5.1, Italian 5.1
- Subtitles: English, German, Italian, French, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Polish, Czech, Greek, Turkish, Portuguese, Arabic, Hebrew
- Run Time: 100 minutes
"A Warrior's Journey," directed by John Little, is a compelling 2000 documentary that delves into the life and legacy of martial arts icon Bruce Lee. This film offers an unprecedented look at Bruce Lee's philosophy and his martial arts style, Jeet Kune Do, featuring never-before-seen behind-the-scenes footage and segments from his unfinished film, Game of Death.
The documentary is structured into five parts, with the first three parts exploring Lee's life through insightful interviews with his widow, Linda Lee Caldwell, fellow martial artists, and friends such as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. The final two parts feature 23 minutes of original footage from Game of Death, showcasing Lee's extraordinary talent and dedication to the martial arts.
German Translation - Overview (Übersicht)
"Der Weg eines Kämpfers," unter der Regie von John Little, ist eine fesselnde Dokumentation aus dem Jahr 2000, die das Leben und die Hinterlassenschaft des Kampfsport-Ikone Bruce Lee beleuchtet. Dieser Film bietet einen beispiellosen Einblick in Lees Philosophie und seinen Kampfstil, Jeet Kune Do, mit bislang unveröffentlichtem Behind-the-Scenes-Material und Segmenten aus seinem unvollendeten Film, Game of Death.
Die Dokumentation ist in fünf Teile gegliedert, wobei die ersten drei Teile Lees Leben durch aufschlussreiche Interviews mit seiner Witwe, Linda Lee Caldwell, anderen Kampfkünstlern und Freunden wie Kareem Abdul-Jabbar erkunden. Die letzten beiden Teile zeigen 23 Minuten Originalmaterial aus Game of Death, das Lees außergewöhnliches Talent und seine Hingabe an die Kampfkunst präsentiert.
A Warrior’s Journey, un documentario del 2000 diretto da John Little, offre uno sguardo approfondito sulla vita e l'eredità della leggenda delle arti marziali Bruce Lee. Il film esplora la sua filosofia e il suo stile di combattimento, il Jeet Kune Do, presentando filmati inediti e scene tratte dal suo film incompiuto Game of Death.
Il documentario è diviso in cinque parti. Le prime tre raccontano la storia di Lee attraverso interviste con sua moglie Linda Lee Caldwell, artisti marziali e amici come Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Le ultime due parti includono 23 minuti di filmati originali di Game of Death, che mettono in luce il talento straordinario e la dedizione di Lee alle arti marziali.
Product Features
- Format: DVD
- Condition: Used, very good
- Run Time: 100 minutes
- Audio Options: English 5.1, German 5.1, Italian 5.1
- Subtitles Available: Multiple languages including English, German, and French
Interesting Facts
- Legacy of Bruce Lee: This documentary not only highlights Bruce Lee's fighting skills but also emphasizes his philosophical approach to martial arts, influencing generations of martial artists and filmmakers.
- Behind-the-Scenes Insights: The film includes rare footage and interviews that reveal the personal struggles and triumphs Lee faced throughout his career, making it a must-watch for fans and aspiring martial artists.
- Unfinished Masterpiece: The segments from Game of Death provide a unique lens into Lee's creative process and the challenges he encountered while making this iconic film.
German Translation - Interesting Facts (Interessante Fakten)
- Vermächtnis von Bruce Lee: Diese Dokumentation hebt nicht nur Lees Kampfkünste hervor, sondern betont auch seinen philosophischen Ansatz zur Kampfkunst, der Generationen von Kampfkünstlern und Filmemachern beeinflusste.
- Einblicke hinter die Kulissen: Der Film enthält seltenes Material und Interviews, die die persönlichen Kämpfe und Triumphe zeigen, denen Lee während seiner Karriere gegenüberstand, was ihn zu einem Muss für Fans und angehende Kampfkünstler macht.
- Unvollendetes Meisterwerk: Die Segmente aus Game of Death bieten einen einzigartigen Blick auf Lees kreativen Prozess und die Herausforderungen, denen er beim Dreh dieses ikonischen Films gegenüberstand.
- L'eredità di Bruce Lee – Il documentario non si limita a mostrare le abilità marziali di Bruce Lee, ma esplora anche il suo approccio filosofico al combattimento, che ha influenzato generazioni di artisti marziali e cineasti.
- Dietro le quinte – Il film include filmati rari e interviste esclusive che svelano le sfide personali e i successi di Lee, rendendolo un'opera imperdibile per fan e aspiranti artisti marziali.
- Un capolavoro incompiuto – Le sequenze tratte da Game of Death offrono una visione unica del processo creativo di Lee e delle difficoltà affrontate nella realizzazione di questo film iconico.
Cast / Besetzung
- Bruce Lee
- Kareem Abdul-Jabbar
- Dan Inosanto
- Ji Han Jae
- Linda Lee Cadwell
- Taky Kimura
Released on October 22, 2000, and distributed by Warner Home Video. All rights reserved under UPC 7321921372759.
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