A Tolvajok Hercegnője DVD (2001) - Princess of Thieves
Product Information
- UPC: 5999546330816
- Product Type: DVD
- Region: 2 PAL
- Made in: Hungary
- Audio: Hungarian 2.0, English 2.0
- Subtitles: Hungarian, English
- Total Runtime: 87 minutes
- Condition: USED - VERY GOOD
"Princess of Thieves" is a romantic adventure TV movie that aired in 2001, directed by Peter Hewitt. The film stars Keira Knightley as Gwyn, the daughter of the legendary Robin Hood, and is produced by Granada Productions. It premiered on The Wonderful World of Disney on ABC in the United States.
English Summary
Set years after the classic Robin Hood legend, the story follows Gwyn (Keira Knightley), a strong-willed young woman skilled in archery, living much of her life alone after the death of Maid Marian and with her father, Robin Hood (Stuart Wilson), away on Crusades. When King Richard the Lionheart dies, Robin returns, only to be captured by his enemies, the Sheriff of Nottingham (Malcolm McDowell) and Prince John (Jonathan Hyde). Gwyn teams up with her friend Froderick (Del Synnott) to rescue her father and restore order to England.
Hungarian Summary
A tolvajok hercegnője (Princess of Thieves) Peter Hewitt 2001-ben bemutatott amerikai kaland-tévéfilmje. A forgatókönyvet Robin Lerner írta Robin Hood az angol hősről szóló legendák alapján. A film Robin Hood lányáról, Gwynról szól, aki kiszabadítja az apját János herceg fogságából. Gwyn szerepében Keira Knightley látható, Oroszlánszívű Richárd fiát, Fülöpöt Stephen Moyer alakítja, Robin Hoodot pedig Stuart Wilson játssza el a vásznon.
Product Features
- Format & Dimensions: DVD
- Region: 2 PAL
- Audio: Hungarian 2.0, English 2.0
- Subtitles: Hungarian, English
- Total Runtime: 87 minutes
- Genre: Adventure, Romance, Family
Interesting Facts
- Adaptation of a Classic Legend
- The film is a reimagining of the Robin Hood legend, focusing on the next generation and showcasing Gwyn's adventures as she steps into her father's shoes.
- Keira Knightley's Early Role
- "Princess of Thieves" features a young Keira Knightley in one of her earlier film roles, showcasing her talent and potential as a leading actress.
- Filming Locations
- The movie was filmed in Romania, which provided a picturesque backdrop for the medieval setting of the story.
Hungarian Translation - Interesting Facts (Érdekes Tények)
- Klasszikus Legendák Adaptációja
- A film a Robin Hood legenda újraértelmezése, a következő generasyona odaközéppontjában áll, Gwyn kalandjait bemutatva, ahogy apja nyomdokaiba lép.
- Keira Knightley Korai Szerepe
- "A tolvajok hercegnője" fiatal Keira Knightley-t mutatja be, aki ebben a korai filmszerepében tehetségét és potenciálját bizonyítja, mint főszereplő.
- Forgatási Helyszínek
- A filmet Romániában forgatták, amely festői hátteret biztosított a történet középkori környezetéhez.
Produced by Granada Entertainment, "Princess of Thieves" was originally released on March 11, 2001, and received positive responses for its engaging storytelling and performances.
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Hungarian (Hashtags):
#ATolvajokHercegnője #PrincessOfThieves #KeiraKnightley #RobinHood #KalandFilm